Friday, February 4, 2022

The Throne Room

 So vast it goes beyond imagination

Creatures of all sorts

Never just standing – always in motion


Creatures – Angelic

All eyes turning and moving around the Throne

Always looking – always seeing


Men in White Linen

Converse with each other telepathically

Angel Warriors stand at the ready


Colors of the rainbow swirl around

The frequency they produce

Makes you bow to the ground


What looks like a man

All white with fierce burning eyes

Looks around and accesses his creation


Then -we meet eye to eye

I fall down – and cannot rise

My body is so heavy – my head like a rock


Angels lift me up

Take me to the Throne before Him

They lift my head – so our gazes met


“I am your Father and Creator of all

I claim you as my son with Jesus

Stand up beside me, my son”


Wobbly legs – unsteady I rise

My whole being trembles

I slowly walk to Him


Yet, there is a peace

I don’t understand

I am comforted as a lamb


He touches my head

Love flows through me

I stand - a son


He gives me revelatory mysteries

All I don’t understand - yet

I am calm, joy-filled in peace


The joy that is in me

I cannot fully express

I am His and He is mine


What eternal bliss!