Thursday, August 20, 2015

A Picture of God's Care for us: Psalm 23

Psalm 23 is one of the best pictures for us in how God takes care of us.

I know this because I see it every day of my life. I went through a season where the Lord told me to understand Psalm 23 in a very intimate way.  So I did.  I memorized it. I looked at it daily.  It became an ingrained part of me.  This is what I learned.

God is my Father; my Papa, my Daddy.  That’s what “Abba” means.  It is a term of endearment.  This means I have a relationship with Him.  I have a very intimate relationship with my Father in Heaven.

He is my Shepherd. He takes great care in watching over me. He knows every detail of my life and wants to be a part of it.

He quite often tells me to “chill”; to take a rest and refresh myself.  I don’t always do that, thus I can get run down easily.  So, He calls me to come to Himself and get refreshed. Those are the times I go and sit on His lap. His arms are around me and then just fold around me.

During that time of refreshment, well, it can be a time of healing within myself.  That’s a wonderful thing!  My soul can so become burdened with all that goes on.  I love that time of refreshing from Papa.

His Holy Spirit is my Guide. He leads me every day.  Sometimes I don’t listen, but I am learning that when I am aware, Holy Spirit will lead and guide me into Truth and sometimes to those that are hurting.  He will never guide me into darkness, because He is Light.

I have a Purpose. I am here for His names sake.  He created me to be the person I am and will be. My whole identity is in Him.

There are times in my life, where I felt lost. Those were times of testing.  Papa was always right there, but seemed silent.  It was in those times that I needed to come into His presence.  Somehow, those times drew me closer to Him.

It was also in those times of trial and testing, that I sensed His Peace and felt no fear. His presence protected me.

Papa is always with me - always.  His faithfulness never ends.  Though I am not as faithful to Him as I would like to be, He is ever faith-full.

There are times, like any child, I need to be disciplined.  Papa’s discipline, however, is gentle. Though He can be pretty stern, the love He shows towards me comfort me and makes me want to do better the next time.

I can walk into a situation that can be pretty “electric” with not so good energy, and I am at peace within myself because I have nothing to fear. I have hope. He gives that hope of eternal awe and protection.  I don’t have to worry.  He will take care of what I cannot do.

He has set me apart as His child. He has given me an anointing to do and be who I am destined to be for Him.  I don’t have to be anyone else, but myself.

I am so FULL!  Papa keeps giving and giving and giving, I cannot, at times, take it all in.  His love washes over me in abundance.  He provides for me with more than I can ever repay Him.

My heart knows of His mercy and goodness.  These blessings are with me all the time.

I know where I am.  I know where I go.  I know whose I am.  I know my Identity is in God forever.