Thursday, December 11, 2014

But I Can't Smile

There are many things that I take for granted; a roof over my head, a car that drives me places, food on the table and clothes that fit me.  Daily things like taking a shower, eating breakfast somewhat leisurely, spending time meditating on God’s word and worshipping Him.  I have friends that are a wonderful support for me and my husband. A church body, who are really like another family to us.  I have opportunities to run (if my knees don’t give out), walk, have coffee with old friends, new friends, and laughing together.  I see God working in all of these everyday things.

I met a man whose name is Randal.  He is in a wheelchair, due to a severe stroke he had because he overdosed and was in a coma for quite a while.  I heard his story one evening while I was with a group down in Olympia for a Crazy Faith Feed.  Three of us were across the street at the transit station just talking and praying with people before the feed began.  It was so rainy, windy and cold. It’s just crazy weather that comes in November here in western Washington.

Randal is probably in his 50’s.  His whole left side is paralyzed from a stroke and he can’t smile. The muscles in his face are paralyzed by the stroke that he had.  He had been in a coma for quite some time and apparently the medical staff weren’t sure if he’d even wake up.  Well, he did. Since that time, he has done some therapy and works part-time in a special program.  He has also gotten to know God, at a certain level.  It wasn’t clear to me where he was in his relationship with God, but he knew who God was.

What touched my heart was when I asked Randal if I could pray for him.  He said yes.  Then he said, “But, I can’t smile.”  I looked at him and said, “That’s ok.  You smile in your eyes.”  His eyes got even brighter!  So, I prayed a blessing over him.  I asked God to restore to him what was taken.  Said amen, and was about to leave, when Holy Spirit stopped me.  I clearly heard Holy Spirit say, “ Hug him.”  I looked at Randal and said, “Randal, may I give you a hug?”  He said, “Yes, but I can’t smile.”  So, I bent down and gave Randal a hug.

One would think that a simple gesture like a hug would be easy.  But, this time it was so different.  As I bent down and wrapped my arms around Randal, I sensed that Jesus’ arms were my arms wrapping Himself around Randal.  As I hugged him, the hug went deeper.  Randal grasped my one arm with his good hand and held on.  The hug went even deeper.  I could feel the Presence of God around us.  This was amazing.  I have no idea how long that hug really was, but it seemed like a very long time. 

I broke apart, and looked into Randal’s eyes and he said to me,” I can’t smile.  I haven’t been hugged in 14 years.”  His eyes were moist with tears and so were mine.  Fourteen years is a very long time to not have any intimate human touch.  So, Jesus hugged Randal.  Through me, Jesus used my ordinary arms to hug another human being craving human touch.  Jesus.  He knew what Randal needed right at that moment; a hug.  I was there and Jesus knows that I love to hug people.  You know what?  I gave Randal another hug!  It was just like the first one.  And again, Randal says, “I can’t smile.”  “But, Randal”, I said, “You are smiling.  I see it in your eyes. Jesus gave you that hug because He loves you and knew you needed it.”

I left there and had that whole encounter in my thoughts the rest of the evening.  You know, the simplest things sometimes are the most needed.  I am blessed for having the opportunity to hug Randal. That made a great impact on me.  In fact, I count that to be probably the best GIFT I have ever given and received back. I think mostly because of the deepness of what happened.  I could FEEL Jesus' arms in mine as I gave that hug. It wasn't just His presence, it was Him working my arms.

This holiday season, we rush around trying to get so many things accomplished for whatever reason.  I encourage each of you to maybe, stop and look around you.  Ask Holy Spirit, “Who needs a hug from Jesus today?  May I be His arms?”   It will change your life as well as the person you give the hug to.