Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Blow of the Shofar part 2

Whew!!!  After that I was stunned. I had an assignment from Papa.   One could imagine, I was kind of anxious about the whole thing.   The evening before, I was in prayer about the next day when I had to blow the ram's horn. I heard Papa God tell me that it was alright to invite two specific friends to come with me. One was to bring a drum, the other would read the declarations after I blew the ram's horn.  So I contacted them. They were thrilled to come and be a part of this.  Then Papa gave me specific instructions as to what to say and when to say it.

Five declarations were to be made; one right after each blow of the Ram's horn.
I typed them as I was inspired by the Holy Spirit.

So, my friends and I went to Golden Gardens down near Shilsho in Ballard. It was a beautiful sunny Spring day. I had thought that there would be many people down there walking or just soaking in the sunlight. I was wrong!  We arrived about 9:40am.  There were just a handful of folks.  We walked out in the sand toward the water.  Found a spot that "felt right" and sat and talked and prayed.

At 10:06 am, March 5 I blew the Ram's horn per the instructions of my Papa God.  The drum that my friend brought was played as well, as the Holy Spirit led.  These were the declarations made:

First BLOW:

We praise you Oh God, for you are good.
Your Mercy endures forever.

We praise you Oh God, for you are Loving.
You have lavished your love upon us.

We praise you Oh God, for you have given us Salvation.
Your Son, Jesus Christ – Messiah.

We praise you Oh God, for the Keys of Authority.
Your Son, Jesus bought with his blood on the Cross.

We praise you Oh God, for you give council.
Your Holy Spirit gives us Wisdom and Knowledge that only comes from you.


Oh Father, our city, our state, our region has sinned against you and you only.
As the representative with the authority given by Jesus through His blood on the cross, we repent of our sins.  We know that you are the One True God.  Forgive us for going against what you want us to do and be.  Forgive us for turning from our identity that is in you. Forgive us from fulfilling the destiny that you have for this city, this state, this region.

We come before you with repentant hearts. Forgive our political  leaders, for they don’t know what they do. Forgive your church, for we have stepped into ignorance.  Help us to turn back and wake up and know who you are. Cleanse this city, this state, this region so that we may walk in the Kingdom as we were created to do.


We declare that all that is dark and against the LIGHT of Truth will be brought into that LIGHT.  Shine on the evil and reveal its secrets. Do not let deception and lies rule.  You are God and Truth.  Let the darkness be revealed in Your Light of Truth. Witchcraft and all that comes with it is to be revealed in Your LIGHT.  We cover ourselves with your Light and Protection. No evil may befall us or our families.  Father, reveal to the government officials of the darkness that they have allowed in.  We reject that darkness, in the Name of Jesus. The Angels standing with us this day and always are our protection from the darkness.  No more shall the darkness deceive and lie. No more shall depression and worry abound.  We reject those in Jesus’ name.


We pray protection over our government leaders. Close their ears and hearts to the enemy. Close them so they may not hear the voice of the evil one or his minions.  We ask that you protect them from the evil one and their whisperings. Let them hear Your Voice and see Your Truth and Light.

We pray protection over our church leaders. Close their ears and hearts to the enemy. Close them so they cannot hear the whisperings of empty Religion. Open their ears to the Truth and Light of the One who created them.  Let them hear Your Voice, Oh God and not the enemy.

As you, the Lord of Hosts have stated:
I will break through from heaven and call out to earth to listen to Me.   
Stand firm.  Do not waiver from the left or the right.
I am the Truth.  I am your Creator.
Wake up!

During the Third Declaration, a cold wind and presence was felt on my right side. I ignored it and focused on the declarations and also remembered that God told me not to waiver and just stand firm. When the Fourth Declaration was made, that presence fled. It was weird.   Now, after the Fifth Declaration at the end, the waves became louder and louder. It was so odd, because there were no boats or wind that should cause that to be.  Prior to the declarations, there were no waves really, no sound of waves.  There were no boats on the water that would cause waves.

I am still pondering this assignment that was given.  I certainly felt the presence of God with us, as well as the enemy nearby.  We broke something in the spiritual realm.  I cannot begin to tell what that was, but a shift of some sort happened. All I know is, I did what Papa God asked of me to do.

Also, March 5th of this year was Purim. The Jewish feast of Esther.  Just thought I'd mention that.


Friday, April 10, 2015

The Blow of the Shofar part 1

In my journey with God, I have to say that at times, it is kind of scary. I have to ask myself once in a while, is it all worth it?  In the end, I say a resounding,  YES!  

The end of February 2015, I was just doing "stuff" and I heard the word, "Shofar". I thought to myself, "What?".  I sort of dismissed it, but then again, a couple of hours later, I heard it again, "Shofar".  Well, that made me stop.  I asked Papa God, was that you.  All I got was a smile.  The Shofar is a ram's horn. It can be anywhere from 12" to 6 feet in length.  It is blown in worship in the Messianic church, and it was also used by the Watchman in biblical times.

I have a friend who owns a small ram's horn.  We had used it in a production of "Godspell" back in 2008. So I borrowed it. Didn't know why at the time, but I suspected that God had something up His  sleeve and I wanted to be prepared. If He didn't, then I was not out anything, but get to practice blowing that ram's horn.

The day after I received the ram's horn from my friend, I was in the shower and saw a Hebrew letter from  their alphabet. I had my eyes closed, due to the fact I was washing my hair at the time, and the letter was emblazened in white light.  I blinked and blinked again.  It was still there.  Thus, the letter was embedded in my memory.  Now, I am not familiar with the meanings of the letters, so headed to the internet for information.  Well, low and behold it was a Resh "  ." ר

The Hebrew symbol means "First, Top, Beginning".  Well, that was a puzzle piece.

On March 2, I was sitting with my journal.  I just felt at peace. What came during my conversation with Papa God was another level in my journey.

Me:     Papa, what’s on your heart today?

Papa:   (smiles)  Glad you asked!  That ram’s horn I whispered to you and what you are to use it for and why.

Me:     Okay – I was wondering about that.

P:         First off, let’s go for a walk. I like and enjoy our walks together.

M:       Sure. I do as well! (He smiles)  So, what is with the shofar/ram’s horn?

P:         (He looks at me with a wry grin) We will get to that.  I want to say that you are to stand firm in your faith.  Don’t step to the right or left. Don’t waiver.  Be strong and draw close to me as you’ve never done before. Do you understand that? (He looks imploringly to me)

M:       (Tenative) I think so, Papa. Am I going to go through even more difficulties!? – Sorry – show me or tell me what you mean.

P:         It is more like this:  Are you willing to look foolish to the world and even to your Christian friends?  Are you willing to take a step of real Faith in Me?  (Looks at me lovingly)

M:       Papa, I’m not sure what you are asking me to do, but are you saying I may be labeled a freak or outcast?  (He waits for my answer) (I swallow)  I love you Papa. “Though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow, you are always with me.”  So, yes.   You make me brave, Papa.

P:         (smiles) Good.  I have an assignment for you. Thank you for going and getting the shofar ahead of time. You have already stepped out in faith.

Now, at sunrise on the Full Moon this month March 5 at 10:06 am, I want you to blow the horn down by the water – the Puget Sound. Blow it and Praise Me.  Blow it and intercede for the city where you live. No more shall the enemy bring witchcraft into the city. Blow for the leaders in the city for they have gone and listened to the enemy. Blow the horn for I am God. I will break through from Heaven and call out to earth to listen to Me. Stand firm, dear one. I will be with you in this.  Call to others to blow the horn in different places – Praising Me as they do. This will break strongholds that have begun to form. This will loose the hold of the enemy. Blow the horn 5 times so my Grace will abound.
Do you understand what I’m asking of you?

M:       Ah… I believe so.

P:         I have given you authority here. Not only in your city, not only in your state, but in this region where you live. This is one of those times – I ask you to combat the enemy – but in a different manner.  Put on the armor I give you. You will stand firm in Me. You will not waiver. I will give you the strength to stand and blow the horn.  This is very important.  Can you do this?

M:       Yes, Papa I can.  Let the angelic hosts surround me as I go forth on this assignment giving me protection and cover.  I will do as you say.  You are my Lord, my King. I serve you as your daughter, and as your daughter I will carry your authority upon me.  The horn will be blown as you say, 5 times.

P:         Good. You are such a wonder and I love you.  You are strong of heart and what you do will be showing compassion on those around you.  Blow the horn – in Love. I go with you in this.  Jesus will stand beside you as you blow the horn.  Now, it is time to prepare. be continued