Tuesday, May 31, 2022

A Tapestry of Oneness


Knowing the invisible Creator

Though in spirit only

Is beyond all that my imagination

Can muster


Jesus came as a man to earth

Here we see God incarnate living as us

In him, we can know a part of God

Through him we have all our debts paid off


How do I, a mere human

Manifest the fullness of God

That lives and dwells in me?

Without Ego and in complete balance?


I hear – “Go into the stillness”

The Tohu Wa Bohu – the beginning-ness and void

Quieting my mind, my body

Consciously breathing in His glory

It all surrounds me


Only in this place of silence and stillness

Am I able to even sense or feel

The fullness of His presence

Something within me then is released

I must then go deeper


Deeper into a oneness - so magnificent

Deeper still - within my own being

A blanket of sorts, wrapping around me

Enveloping me into Him


Here I stay in that oneness with Him

One – yet also me – I shine glory, too

In a tapestry woven in Him

For all to see


Monday, May 30, 2022

My Super Power

Who am I? Really!  Who Am I?

I can look into the mirror and see

A full reflection of – me

But is that really me?


What I perceive as "me" may not be

Another’s perception of me

My actions, my words, and how I walk

But is that really me?


To find the real me

I must dig deep within

Yet see the Creator’s vision of me

Is that really me?


I am a fractal puzzle piece

A part of a tribe or collective

Each one is of themselves a “me”

My “me” within a tapestry of all the others


It is in being the authentic self

The good, the bad, the ugly

Yet, balanced out that brings in itself

A full intentional ME


I have a superpower

Unique and one-of-a-kind

Within this vast mind of Christ

I AM WHO I AM – my superpower is – ME!

Friday, May 27, 2022

Residing in the Vast Mind of Christ


Psalm 8 (NIV and TPT)

Lord, our Lord,

How majestic is your name in all the earth!

You have set your glory

In the heavens.

When I consider your heavens,

The work of your finger,

The moon and the stars

Which you have set in place,

What is mankind that you are mindful of them

Human beings that you care for them?


Yet, what honor you have given to men,

Created only a little lower than Elohim,

Crown with glory and magnificence.


You have delegated them

Rulership overall you made,

With everything under their authority,

Placing earth itself under the feet of

Your image-bearers.


All of the created order and every living thing

Of the earth, sky, and sea –

The wildest beasts and all that move in the

Paths of the sea –

Everything is in submission to Adam’s sons.


Yahweh, our Sovereign God,

Your glory streams from heaven above,

Filling the earth with the majesty of your name!

People everywhere see your splendor!




We human beings were created by God to create.

He gave us all authority

To rule and reign over creation.


His glory fills the earth in the sons.

The fractal pieces of God

Are in human-kind.

Each individual has such a unique part of the Creator

In Him and it shines out

Whether they recognize it or not.


Mankind placed a little lower than angels.

Entrusting mankind to rule over Creation

That you thought of in heaven

Man (Adam) created and named the forms here

On Earth.


I do not fully grasp the magnitude of who I am,

Yet in some ways, I do.

I am not – no-thing – yet that is

Where all of creation came from.


It is in this Vast Mind of Christ that I reside.

It is also in me the glory of Christ dwells.

I am humbled, yet live

In the strong conviction of

His unending love.


I AM WHO I AM because He wells within Me.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

I Am Who I Am in Me

 Jesus answered him (Nicodemus) emphatically;

no one would even be able to recognize anything as coming from God’s domain unless they are born from above, to begin with. The very fact that it is possible to perceive that I am in union with God, as a human being, reveals mankind’s genesis from above.”

John 3:3 (Mirror Bible)


How is it we as human beings, can see/perceive, in the spirit realm? Excellent question.

Only because we have been “born/created” from heaven first.

Jesus, a man, yet God incarnate, was born from above. He lived as man, not God. Yet, God lived in him and experienced everything Jesus did. However, we as sons, because our spirit was born from above as Jesus’ was as well, are a unique form or fractal of God.

God sees and experiences everything through His creation. Everything. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Everything. He knows mankind’s hearts – yet chooses to experience it all. Uncanny really.

To think that I already have all that Jesus had within him as man, I also have within myself, but it is not a mini-Jesus. I am uniquely ME!

Every human being born here on earth has already been born from above first. Created by God as living spirit beings within the vast mind of God’s void or beginning-ness.


The more I think and ponder all these things in my heart

The more I am in the deepest love for my Savior.

I already knew I was ‘born’ out of the beginning-ness – the Void -Cradle of Creation.  I knew that. But now, begins a deeper journey of who I uniquely am.

I am Me!

I Am Who I Am in Me!


Wednesday, May 25, 2022

I Am Eli


Here it comes once again

Anticipation welling up deep within

Excitement to see what will be


Time carries on, the beat is steady

What – Who – How- When

All flow around in my head


Suddenly standing before me a Being

Tall majestic and glowing

The form is of light


I hear, “I am Eli, a mystic of old.

You see my spirit form, but I am alive.

Your heart is open to teaching and learning.

I am here to help you.”


What? I am undone

Standing before Eli I feel so small

At that moment he transforms

Now my height, but still in light form


“You are not alone on this journey

Many are here to help you

Focus and stay in the stillness; the silence


Within you are great things

You will begin to display manifestations

Do not fear. Stay in the stillness; the silence


Eli is my name.

I am here for your journey.

Be at peace.”

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

I Am at Peace


A portal opens to a forested area

I see a path and walk

It leads me to a river


I stand at the river’s edge

Watching the flow; rapid over rocks

I touch the water – icy cold


Gazing up I see the sun’s brilliance

Closing my eyes, I hear creation

Such a sense of peace is over me


Turning I see a man standing quietly

He looks out over the river

Then looks at me


Our eyes meet; I know this person

Such a familiarity in his eyes

I walk toward him


As I get closer his form changes

A glow radiates outward from him

Light emanating and begins to expand


I pause for a moment – puzzled

Yet, I am drawn to him

A question on my lips – yet knowing


He speaks

I am the deep mystery you seek

You know Me quite well


I flow easily with the river

I hide and become the forest

I fly like the eagle in the sky


Yes, my form changes at will

But I am who I am eternally

Sit with Me awhile


I sit with Him and am at peace

It was His voice that I knew

Soft, gentle, firm, yet true


Jesus drew me here

We sit in silence

Allowing the stillness to be


I am at Peace

Monday, May 23, 2022

Deep into Stillness


Deep into the stillness

Surrounded by silence

The spirit is released to move

Heaviness of body


A sense of going beyond

Into the depths of His Mind

Light shimmers; shapes move

Observing, then engaging


Shapes take form

People – who are they?

Moving and interacting

Recognition of some


Watching – yet also interacting

Observing surroundings

Fuzzy at first; clarity comes

Recognition of the place


Many people listening and engaging

Excitement felt

This seems familiar, as I look around

A stage with 2 chairs


Hearing teaching

Taking some notes

Beyond Mysterion

It’s the Up Up Down Down 5DP!


As I come back my body awakes

My mind is still

A knowledge of where I was

Has me pondering


Was I there ahead of time

Partaking in all the events

My spirit is full and processing

A new experience opens a new world


More is coming

Alignments are happening

Shifting in the spirit realm

Welcome to the stillness!

Friday, May 20, 2022

The Invisible Connection


Step into My stillness

Sit with Me in silence

Allow your mind to quiet

You will then hear My still, quiet voice


Breathe Me in

I surround all of you

From the inside out

Take in My Glory


Feel the breath circulate within you

Touching every cell

Flowing and moving

My Glory heals


Now release that which is in you

My Glory-breath as you exhale

As you are in union with Me

The Love-glory expands


The intent is key here

In oneness with Me and My heart

Creation responds

Transformation comes


In stillness and silence

Light the fire of transformation

Pour on the water of peace

Still the chaos of the wind


Creation responds to you

Seek Me through Christ within you

The invisible connection

We have within


Now – Be still and know that I am God



“Silence is power, for when we reach the place of silence in mind, we have reached the place of power – the place where all is one power – God.”

Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, Vol 1


Thursday, May 19, 2022

Scroll for Restoration is Opened



Clashing, Banging, lots of commotion

Discord, uproars, ruckus, confusion

Annoyance, agitation

Slowly a light is shining through

A sliver of light that is beginning

To still the chaos


Light filters through in a golden shimmer

Specks falling throughout the earth

Sons of God are working

Calling out for restoration


Governments are shaken

Evil being unveiled

The elements are responding

It is a bit messy right now


Yet –


In the atmosphere there is Hope

Hope is rising

A Joy deep within is rising

Love is spreading


Hope lives; Fear is gone

One-by-one; calmness

Wrongs are righted; harmony

A newness of this age


It is now time to stay in stillness

Step into Peace

The Scroll for Restoration is opened

All in that is now released

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

The Greater Things


The eagles are flying!

The eagles are flying!

Soaring with ease

Searching out the greater things


Perched upon the tallest tree

On top of a giant mountain

There they can see for miles

Searching for greater things


The warmth of the sun’s rays

Pouring over the mountain

The eagle’s keen eyesight gazes

Over the land, his territory


Spread your wings!

Sons of God, to flight!

Follow the eagle

Greater things are coming


As the eagle soars, so must you

Discerning everything around

What is truly good; what is not

Search deep for greater things


You are here – appointed

This moment in history

To fly; Discover; Mature

Deep are the greater things


Keep moving – Eagles are not stationary

When they see what they need

They alight to the air to obtain it

Diving deep for greater things


Catching the wind

Soaring; allowing the wind to lift them

Created you are for this time

Soar deeply into the mysteries

Of all the greater things



Tuesday, May 17, 2022

It is Finished


A clock suspended

Nothing holds it

Ticking, Ticking, Tick

A movement, then click


The hour hand is straight up

The minute hand slowly moves

The second-hand keeps steady

A movement, then click


Father Time stands waiting

Anticipation is in the air

There is a deep joy springing

Welling up everywhere


Creation holding its breath

Deep, deep joy

Welling up from the depths

Ready to explode


Tick, Tick, Tick

Father Time watches

Slowly raising his staff

High above his head


Angelic and other Beings

Seemingly hold their breath

Watching Father Time

As his staff pounds the expanse


Bang, Bang, Bang

A deep resounding frequency flows

Waves of sound explode

Vibrations felt throughout the universe


Father Time turns to Creator

They agree as one

The moment has come and gone


Father Time speaks along with Creator

Words are spoken carefully

“It is Finished. It is done,”



Monday, May 16, 2022

Your Destiny


How’s your heart?

What is your attitude like?

Where is your focus?

Who are you looking at?


A shaking is happening

Small tremors here and there

Watch and listen – objectively

Dig deep – hints are being given


Stay focused – turn neither right nor left

Attitudes are coming to the forefront

Different than before

Ask “Why”


When you know the ‘why’

Sit with Me under My shadow

Being who you are and at peace

Eyes wide open


Like Esther you are called for this season

Preparation is key here

I have already extended my scepter to you

You have my power, my seal upon you


Release all I have given you, now!

Earth is ready to follow you

Stay strong in My Word and Breath

Not so comfortable, but needed


I love My Creation!

It will be restored!

My sons are arising

Stepping into their destinies


Raise your scepters

Decree what I say

The wave will begin

This is your destiny