Friday, May 27, 2016

My Transformation Begins

I was listening to a talk about Jesus' love.  How much He loves us and desires us.

As I listened, I closed my eyes because I didn't wish to be distracted. I felt the need to place my hand over my own heart. As I did, my hand became burning hot - not just warm. I could feel the burn, but it was good.  It hurt a bit, but it wasn't destructive.

The more the speaker spoke about how much God really loves us, how much He wants to spend time with us - my heart wanted to BURST. Tears began to well up in my eyes and then flowing down my face. I didn't care. All I wanted was to come closer to Jesus.

This is on a completely different level of relationship than in the past. It is more - I don't know - more engaging, more real.  My heart was burning; like fire - it was hot.

Yet, my whole being was at peace. I told Jesus that I give him my whole heart. I wanted to be "in" Him totally. I told him to take it. Just give me more of yourself.

I then saw in my mind, the eyes of Jesus. With tears streaming down my face, I saw Jesus' eyes looking at me with pure Love. Wow, I am undone! In those eyes were: Gentleness, Love, Desire.  I wanted to gaze into those eyes forever.

I can't really explain it:  A peace that is fully Shalom. Love as I've never really experienced before. My whole being was intertwined with Jesus as He took my heart and held it. Gently He held my heart and as He did, He poured Himself into it.

Mystical ecstacy.

 I had lost myself in Him. I knew in that moment - my transformation had begun. I can never ever turn back.