Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Lighthouse

This journal entry was about 4 years ago.....

I was driving and headed to a play rehearsal that I was directing. From the street, I can see the steeple of my church.  As I glanced at it, the steeple turned into a lighthouse.

At first, I wasn't sure I was seeing correctly.  I  had the realization that this was an open vision. I've never had any "visions" that I could recall.   I was still driving and seeing this lighthouse where the church was and decided not to freak out. You see, this was REALLY NEW to me. And I was still driving the car!

I asked Father, "So, what does that mean?"

He said,"It is my lighthouse to the city."

"Okay. What does that mean?"

He said,"See the light that is streaming out of the four windows?"


He said,"See the light streaming down into the lighthouse? Then, the light goes directly out."


He said,"That is my power that flows through to the church and then the church is to use that power to flow out to the city.  The church cannot do this on its own. It must come from Me. Tell them this."

Then....the vision ended.  Wow.

My thought was, "What just happened? Did I really just have a vision and talked with God?"

So I went on to my play rehearsal with that vision in the back of my mind. And I didn't crash my car. There must have been an angel driving. I couldn't see anything except the vision.

I am now seeing that vision come to fruition. Its kind of fun to watch the Lord move.  But, you know what?  I had to speak this out to a couple of folk at church. A friend  who was on the elder board and to the pastor.  I had to, because I was told to.  I have to admit, it took me a couple of weeks to get the nerve.  What if they thought I was nuts?  This church really didn't teach ANY of this for today. UNTIL now....

Well, I'm glad I was obedient, albeit a little slow and hesitant, but in the end obedient.

So, I just thought I'd share that with you all.  Because, God told me to!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Black Cloud

I am at a place once again, where I sense I need to go over a wall.  This wall is a bit higher than the last one.  I keep searching for stairs or steps or even a key to unlock a hidden door.

Papa God, are you leading me over the wall?  Are you holding out a “carrot” so to speak to entice me to follow you?  I know you are near, and yet I don’t sense your presence.  This unsettles me.

“I am hear, daughter.”

I feel lost Papa. I want more of YOU:  More of who you are, more of your presence, more of your glory, more, more, more!  I am yours.  All of who I am is yours.

I know there is electricity, frequency and light that is you. And yet, I have to ask, Who are you God? 

I seek you, but I’m afraid I am not getting anywhere. 

Who am I, Lord? 

I know, who I am, more today than I did yesterday.

I am more aware. Please heighten my spirit to be more sensitive to You and Your presence. I want your presence to permeate through me and around me so that others will become affected by your Spirit.  Let me leak your Holy Spirit.  I wish to change the atmosphere around me.  You know, bring Heaven to Earth.

Papa, I hear of this Black Cloud, which is You – the fiercest part of You. Is that true?


May I approach it?

“Yes, yet one must be careful.”

Can I walk into that fierce Black cloud that is You?

“Are you ready to meet that part of Me?  Are you willing to die for me?”

Wait, “die for you”?   Physically die?  Die to myself, die?  What do you mean?

“Are you willing to give up all of  who you are?  Are you willing to surrender your whole being to Me?  Are you willing?”

I don’t know.  I want to say that I am.   Can I walk into it?  I’m not sure. Am I ready, Lord?

“I am here, daughter.  When you are ready to come, I am here.  Once you come, you will be changed. There is no going back.”

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Bringing Heaven to Earth - some musings

Did you know that when we praise God and worship Him we are changing the spiritual atmosphere around us?

Did you know that when we speak out something, make a declaration we are changing the spiritual atmosphere around us?

Did you know that when we curse something, I’m not talking about “ culturally bad words”, but words that speak negative toward a person, a city or a government that we add to the enemy’s arsenal?

Did you know that when we speak or declare healing and hope towards a person, a city or a government we are changing that spiritual atmosphere?

Did you know that when we pray, we don’t have to “beg” God for anything?

Did you know that we, as the sons and daughters of God, may sit on our thrones in Heaven and declare the Father’s heart?

Did you know that as we sit in REST on our thrones in Heaven, we can make a difference here on earth?

What is bringing Heaven to Earth?

It is not trying to politically oust a political party because you don’t agree with it.

It is not just sitting around and talking and complaining that “things aren’t going
 well” or “why is this or that happening”; I am helpless; I don’t have a voice.

It is not listening to the fear mongers on the TV news and then feeling helpless.

It is not talking about “Oh woe is me!”

It is not just sitting in a pew every Sunday getting fat on words, with no practical
spiritual exercise.

It is:

Learning to Love as Jesus loved others in the world.  Not just people like myself.

Being aware of who is around you and needs a smile,some food, an encouraging word or a hug.

Being willing to listen to God and not just talk so you can’t listen to what He
has to say.

Being in prayer and listening to the Father's heart, then going and doing what God said.

Standing in who you are IN Christ.

Knowing your Identity and Destiny in Christ.

Working through Heaven’s Government, rather than man’s. (It's much more economical and practical.)

This is bringing Heaven to earth.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

My Frequency Dream

I was in the desert.  Sand all around, yet I was also inside an oasis. It was beautiful and lush with palm trees and grass on the ground.  There was a house, a desert house.  It was the color of sand, and fit really well in the oasis.

I walked into the house.  There was a huge room and it was filled with big fluffy pillows. I thought that a bit odd, but walked in and looked on the walls. There were paintings. Then, I noticed a staircase. Only, you could walk up to it and not down. There was no down.  I didn’t think anything of it.  I just started walking up the stairs.  On a level, I stepped off and went into a room. There was a speed boat in the room!  I inspected it. There was nothing wrong with it, it was just resting on a boat trailer.

I then went up the stairs again, and went into another room. This time, there were so many pillows. They seemed to be inviting me to lie down.  So, I did!  After a short time, I was looking across the room at a wall and a box appeared. It was in mid-air. It just stayed there. The top of the box opened. I could see light and hear a sound coming from it.  Then the sides of the box opened down so that I could see the full inside.

That was amazing.  As the box completely opened, in it was something like the Aurora Borealis. There were so many colors and they were light. They shimmered and in the middle was something like a triple helix with numbers. They floated upward. Then I focused on the sound that was coming from the box.  I somehow understood it was frequency numbers.  The numbers 528 were the most prominent.

I began to hum with the frequency. Then, I began to sing with it. It was amazing. My whole being was stimulated and vibrated with the frequency. It was fun. I watched as the light changed when I sang with the frequency sound.  But, as I sang, there appeared in mid-air these green stones; all different sizes and shapes. I picked one up and it was Jade.  In fact, all of them were Jade. The more I sang, the more stones would appear.  It was fun. It was relaxing. The whole floor was filled with them.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Wisdom's Heights

Me:    Afternoon Papa. I know I haven’t spent any time with you lately like this. Forgive me. I do want and need to spend time with you. So, what is on Your heart?

Papa: (smiles) I have missed you, daughter. You light up my life. (Hugs me)  I forgive you and don’t fret. But, remember –Come to Me. You still need refreshment and R.E.S.T. (Remember: Relax, Energize, Stillness, Transformation)

Me:    (Looking up at Him)  I know. I really get distracted. I know I need to draw from Your strength and love.

Papa: Come to Me—you who are weary and heavy burdened. I will give you My Shalom.

Me:    Oh, Papa! (Pulling out of the hug) Boy do I know that! I can tell when I haven’t spent time with you. I do understand that in order to “give” I need to “receive” from you.

Papa: (laughs) Yes, I will pour into you so much each day, so that you may go and serve, teach, heal or whatever is needed. However, you must come to Me.

Me:    (sheepishly) Yes, Papa. Thank you.

Papa:  In fact, come now to the River of Life and eat from the Tree of Life. Draw refreshment there. Swim in the cool waters. Let them wash over you. Drink from the deep water. It will fill you with strength and life. Let my fruit from the Tree of Life give you refreshment. Let it nourish your soul. Come ---

          (He takes me to the river.  I jump in. Diving and splashing, floating.  Oh, and I found a pretty gem, large like Topaz-blue. I put it in my pocket. Then, I am given a cup, so I draw water and drink. My whole being is refreshed. Then, after I get out I’m taken to the Tree of Life. I get to choose my fruit. It’s bright yellow and when I bite into it, --WOW—sweet, savory all at once. The flavors can’t be described really. Beyond the flavors, there is a filling inside I’ve not really experienced before. I feel more alive than I have been in a long time. No aches and pains in my body. I feel fully aligned. Then, Papa takes me to this road. We’ve walked along this path before.)

Me:    Papa, where are we going?  I recognize this path.

Papa: (He smiles) You’ll see. I want to you to meet someone.

(So we walk on this ancient path. It’s really beautiful as I remembered with its
 rolling hills and the path is worn, but very easy to walk on.)

Papa:  (Stops)  Sue, this is a special place. There is someone I wish you to meet.
(Then this person "a woman" appears.)
          This is Wisdom. Wisdom, this is Sue. It is time Wisdom, for you to teach her.

Me:    (totally dumbfounded in silence)

Wisdom: Hello, my dear. I’ve been waiting to meet you. (Smiles)

(There’s a “wholeness” about her. She really shines,)

Me:    (I look at Papa and He gives an encouraging nod.)  I’m honored to meet you, Wisdom. (I curtsy. You see, I’m dressed in my clothes of heaven and it’s a formal dress!)

Wisdom: Come, let’s go up to the Heights. I wish to show you some things.

Me:    Alright. (I turn and look at Papa. He’s grinning from ear to ear.)

Papa:  Enjoy your time.  (He waves and I wave back.)

(So, Wisdom and I go up to the Heights. You can see EVERYTHING. It’s a different perspective.)

Wisdom: Come. Let us sit here a while. 

Me:    Alright.

(So, we sit quite comfortably where we can see below.  It’s quite high up, but you can’t feel that. Wisdom's voice was so calming and sweet.)

Wisdom: (She waves her hand) Look Sue, what do you see?

Me:    (I look to where her hand points.)  Well, I see beauty. I see wholeness. Wisdom, I do see my mountains. They are still covered with demons. (Looking closer) Well, not as many as there were when I first came.

Wisdom: True. You are doing well. One thing that needs attention is your learning the proper ways to engage heaven. Actually, you have learned well thus far, so please just know you are to learn even more. (Smiles)

Me:    (puzzled) Wisdom, are you speaking of my going and engaging the Mobile Court?

Wisdom: Yes, However, you have engaged the Court of Nations and that is a high level court. Not all who wish to enter may. You and your group are highly favored. We have waited a long time for the activation for you and your group.

          There is much work to be done. Your region has many nations that need reconciliation. This must be done. Where you live in particular, those dragons must be defeated. However, now is not the time. There is prep work that needs to be done.

Me:    Prep work?  Like what?

Wisdom: You need to have your bench of three secure. Then, your council must begin identifying what needs to be brought before the court. What has caused the divisions? Are there curses? Where and when did they originate? Each member must have input. Then, you need to write up your petition that will be presented to the court. This will take some time, but we cannot tarry any longer. It is time to take the Region back for the High King’s domain.

Me:    Alright. Are the others being told this as well?

Wisdom: Yes. You will bring it up at your council meeting.

Me:    Okay. Is there anything else?

Wisdom:  No.  Not at this time.  I sense your apprehension. Do not fret. I will guide you and the council members. (Again, her voice is so calming and reassuring.)

Me:    Thank you Wisdom. You know, this is so far off my known grid—but I’m recognizing that most all Kingdom work is off the grid!  (Wisdom smiles very knowingly.)  So, may I come to you when I have a question?

Wisdom:  Of course.  I can give you direction. This is what I do. (smiles)

Me:    Thank you, Wisdom. So, until next time.

(I get up from where we had been sitting.  I curtsy once more to Wisdom and begin walking back to where Papa was. I see He is waiting for me.)

Papa:  (I can see he is waiting in anticipation.) So, how did it go?

Me:    I was a bit overwhelmed.  Wisdom shines so bright and she was so kind to explain things. Oh, and I am to go to her if I have questions.

Papa: (BIG smile and a hug)  Good!  So—through this you will be learning much. Remember, we are here to help, guide and provide for you.

Me:    (I smile and hug him back,) Thanks.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Our Spiritual Act of Worship

Let’s sit down and discuss “Worship in the Workplace” or our Spiritual Act of Worship. If you don’t work, that's alright. You don't have to "work" outside the home to give a spiritual act of worship.

What it is not:
-        Having worship music on all the time. (In some cases, maybe, but more than likely not.)
-        Setting aside time each day for prayer while you’re at work. (Could, but not really.)
-        Sharing your faith with everyone that comes through the door, co-workers, customers, or those   that call on the phone. (Um… no.)

The above are only a smidgen of examples of what worship in the workplace are not, at least not what the Bible talks about.

So, let us define WORSHIP as the dictionary defines it:
reverent honor and homage paid to God or a sacred personage, or toany object regarded as sacred.
formal or ceremonious rendering of such honor and homage:
They attended worship this morning.
adoring reverence or regard:
excessive worship of business success.
the object of adoring reverence or regard.

Now,let’s look at scripture, just a couple of passages:

Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’  There is no commandment greater than these.
Mark 12:29(b) -31

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.
Romans 12:1

I’m reading these and am struck by the fact that worshiping the Lord God doesn’t just take place on Sundays, but every day of the week, 24/7.  It also requires our WHOLE BEING.

In view of what God has done for us, we are to love Him with our whole being, all the time. He deserves this.  I am to give Him ALL of me. I am to give Him everything I have, everything I do, every person I meet. I give these back to God because I love Him.  It is a spiritual act of worship.

I will do my job (whatever that is) with Joy because He has placed me there. It is a divine appointment for someone to just be treated right, with love and care as Father would. I am to see customers, neighbors, bosses, bus drivers, coffee baristas, teachers, students whomever God deems to cross my path, to have Father’s perspective of them and loving them, because this is the Kingdom way.

Whether you are retired, a student, a stay-at-home parent or working in the workplace, God has called you to bring the Kingdom where ever you are 24/7. It’s not just for supported missionaries and paid church folk.  It is ALL of us. It is our finances, our families, our jobs and how we do those jobs. It is how we respond and react through our community with our neighbors. 

If you are at a job that you really don’t like, try and see how much you make a difference by changing your perspective.  Change the lens that you are looking through.  Spend time praying for your boss, co-workers, neighbors, family and businesses around you. Speak truth in love, rather than cursing. Declare the opposite of the bad. Speak life. Watch the change happen. Quit cursing and speaking the negative. If you see negative, then speak and declare the opposite. Quit giving the enemy fodder.  

God is a Jealous God.  He wants ALL of us every day of the week, 24/7.  Ask Holy Spirit to help you.  Ask the Father what’s on His heart for your workplace, and He will be delighted to tell you. You just need to follow through and act upon what He has told you. Listen to what Holy Spirit says.

Yes, I’m asking you to step out of yourself and give back to God ALL of yourself every day. Remember WHO is the one you worship. He lives in you, so remember to thank Him. Smile at folks. Ask Father what is on His heart for the people you meet and come into contact today and listen for His quiet answer, then go and obey. This will look different for each of us, but in essence it is the same: It is your spiritual act of worship.

This was taken on a Sunday morning during the normal worship service time. Our church went out into our community and cleaned the streets and some of the business properties of garbage and weeds and just blessed them.  Each business was contact a couple weeks earlier by our Lead Pastor and a couple of others to let them know what we'd like to do for them.  Some were wary because of the business they have, but because there was no judgment on our part, they mellowed.  It was pretty cool to see.  This is just a small example of what we can do as our spiritual act of worship.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

A Picture of God's Care for us: Psalm 23

Psalm 23 is one of the best pictures for us in how God takes care of us.

I know this because I see it every day of my life. I went through a season where the Lord told me to understand Psalm 23 in a very intimate way.  So I did.  I memorized it. I looked at it daily.  It became an ingrained part of me.  This is what I learned.

God is my Father; my Papa, my Daddy.  That’s what “Abba” means.  It is a term of endearment.  This means I have a relationship with Him.  I have a very intimate relationship with my Father in Heaven.

He is my Shepherd. He takes great care in watching over me. He knows every detail of my life and wants to be a part of it.

He quite often tells me to “chill”; to take a rest and refresh myself.  I don’t always do that, thus I can get run down easily.  So, He calls me to come to Himself and get refreshed. Those are the times I go and sit on His lap. His arms are around me and then just fold around me.

During that time of refreshment, well, it can be a time of healing within myself.  That’s a wonderful thing!  My soul can so become burdened with all that goes on.  I love that time of refreshing from Papa.

His Holy Spirit is my Guide. He leads me every day.  Sometimes I don’t listen, but I am learning that when I am aware, Holy Spirit will lead and guide me into Truth and sometimes to those that are hurting.  He will never guide me into darkness, because He is Light.

I have a Purpose. I am here for His names sake.  He created me to be the person I am and will be. My whole identity is in Him.

There are times in my life, where I felt lost. Those were times of testing.  Papa was always right there, but seemed silent.  It was in those times that I needed to come into His presence.  Somehow, those times drew me closer to Him.

It was also in those times of trial and testing, that I sensed His Peace and felt no fear. His presence protected me.

Papa is always with me - always.  His faithfulness never ends.  Though I am not as faithful to Him as I would like to be, He is ever faith-full.

There are times, like any child, I need to be disciplined.  Papa’s discipline, however, is gentle. Though He can be pretty stern, the love He shows towards me comfort me and makes me want to do better the next time.

I can walk into a situation that can be pretty “electric” with not so good energy, and I am at peace within myself because I have nothing to fear. I have hope. He gives that hope of eternal awe and protection.  I don’t have to worry.  He will take care of what I cannot do.

He has set me apart as His child. He has given me an anointing to do and be who I am destined to be for Him.  I don’t have to be anyone else, but myself.

I am so FULL!  Papa keeps giving and giving and giving, I cannot, at times, take it all in.  His love washes over me in abundance.  He provides for me with more than I can ever repay Him.

My heart knows of His mercy and goodness.  These blessings are with me all the time.

I know where I am.  I know where I go.  I know whose I am.  I know my Identity is in God forever.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Prayer – Do we actually follow through?

Let me ask you this question:
When someone asks for prayer, do you really take the time and energy to go to the Throne of Heaven and pray on their behalf?  

This is probably the biggest pet peeve I have within the Christian community at large:  They don’t follow through when they say "I'll pray for you". (I'm speaking to myself as well.)

Christians are supposed to be known for their prayers.  We ask for prayer in our small groups, in Sunday School, in the worship service, with our close friends and even on social media.  Did you know that perhaps only 1 in 20 people who say they will pray for you, actually do just that- pray.  I don’t mean the prayer of: “Oh Lord, please bless – so and so – as they are in need.”  Or “Lord, we don’t know how to pray, so just bless – so and so”.

I know that we have learned some bad habits over the years, even decades with regards to prayer.We tend to take prayer for granted. I’d like for us to get rid of those bad habits and be able to truly come before the Lord of Hosts as one of His children - setting aside time just to pray for that person(s) that asked and go before the Throne of Grace on their behalf. You know, Just Do It!

Think about it, in our family, we ask each other for things. We tend to watch out for each other. We care deeply (usually) for each other, so that when something is awry we can help out in some way. We praise each other. We thank each other.  It should be the same in the “Family of God”, and even more because we have that Power of prayer as an access point to the Father.

Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”

Let me just encourage you to follow through on what you say you will do.  If a person is requesting you join with them and pray for “whatever”, and you say you will pray for them, then - PRAY for them.

Take the time and energy to go before the God of Heaven, who gave us breath and life, to pray for that brother or sister in Christ.  You know what will happen?  Not only does the person who asked for the prayer get blessed, but your relationship with the Father grows deeper and more intimate. That is just an added bonus!

You don’t have to be a “Super Pray-er/ Intercessor” to pray for someone.  Just take the time to sit before the Father. Talk with Him as you would a friend or your earthly parents. It’s a conversation – and a two way one at that! He doesn’t need to hear all the mumbo-jumbo of religious talk.  He wants to hear your heart. If you pray for someone, it should come from your heart. Then, quietly listen for His answer. He will answer, if we allow Him to. 

It just takes a little follow through.