Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Levi's Journey

   Some of you know that I facilitate a Faith Gathering group that meets once a month. We have been meeting now for two full years and now going onto our third!  In that time, one of our folk, Levi, was set up by God for some pretty amazing encounters with Him.  Levi has given me permission to share. Let me give a breif run down.

   I met Levi in 2013 with his dad, Lew, whom I've known for a while. Lew was in the theater community that I was active in.  Well, Lew brought Levi to a coffee discussion time. Levi was pretty much to himself, yet observing all that was said and done that day.  The next time that a coffee date was set, Levi came again, and again, and again.  Each time he opened up more.  Then the gatherings began. He was in his "shell in the corner" observing once again. He had been dissolutioned by Christianity because for him, even as a child, what was taught seemed trite and wrong. Where was the power of God?  Also, he is a seer and that was pushed away. So, he went into his "shell".

 Then, in November 2013, God set him up and Levi has not been the same since. Hungry for God. Hungry to know himself. Then, having to stand before God and be transformed is, for most of us, a pretty scary thing. Levi did it.  God is transforming him. It is amazing.

   Levi sent me this email on May 15, 2015. So I wish to share it with you.  Be encouraged. Be blessed. I sure was!

    I think I'm sending an email because I'm excited.  No formulaic reason beyond that.  Papa will probably put it to use, or at least you'll laugh. 
    My angel's English name is Ben.  Papa says he's a warring/warrior angel for my protection.  I could be mistaken, I often doubt anything Papa says that's beyond my comprehension.  Any affirmations you could send my way would be appreciated. 
    Before you go thinking that means I'm listening to you over Papa, let me try and describe what we did after introductions.  I was talking with Papa about the implications of what ever we had discussed today, the tension of thinking I'd made progress with the alternative being literally BEING with Papa, which is the point but rarely feels like what I call progress...  Also Praying Medic's book, "Seeing in the Spirit Made Simple" arrived and I started reading it.  I stopped at the warnings in chapter four, which are basically Beware: Pre-Wall Christian Stigma (the milk-drinkers distress), and the Non-Godly Motivations for seeing in the spirit, which with an unrefined heart can leave you more and more exposed to the enemy, like a child receiving their inheritance too soon to make responsible use of it, so I stopped and had dinner, then we got back to it.
    Papa was asking why I wanted my sight back.  I played with a few ideas I had experienced on Nov 10th, one being I got rid of the nasties I encountered, because I could see/feel them and that is cause for war, and two I felt Papa all the time, plus Autumn Lane was like swimming in a cross between honey, a summer brook, and the clouds all at once, but made of light, and I like that tangibility.  Intangibility is partly why I think too much, there is no other way to encounter what can not be encountered. 
    Then after dinner Papa and I continued our discussion.  I laid in my bed, closed my eyes, and called on the Almighty.  I've been led around throughout this journey, to date, either by enticement or terror, but tonight I called on the Almighty. 
    I often say I don't see things but instead feel them.  Well, behind my eyelids I got the Distance feeling, and from my earthly body too, like zooming out until they're really small, in a tactile way. 
    I stood before My Father, I called Him by the names He has revealed to me in Our journey.  I announced myself by what I really am, not a human, not a self, not a man born on Dawson Street, America, who joined one of these religious clubs just because.  I was His created Creation, and by Adoption, His own son.  I felt as alien to human as we oft imagine the angels to be, like a science fiction frankenstein, but without the human error. 
    Then I started taking off my armors, note the plural.  He said nothing, I was approaching Him, a first, and doing it on proper terms with ancient names, Primordial Names, First Names.  I realized He'd taken my black blood crusted sword, but never the armors.  I didn't pull out text-book statements or even declarations, I took Him as Real.  I said I take them off.  One after another, some of betrayal, some of response to betrayal, some demonic, some invisible, some of pain, some of senselessness to pain, some of prowess, some of battle-bought dignity, some of human make and some not. 
    I stood before My God, naked in spirit, thin, scarred, weak, raw, totally vulnerable and not even concerned with it. 
    "What do you want?" He asked.  A lot of thought goes into moments like this, but the journey had been my thoughts.  A lot of people wonder what they would ask, and you never know until the Journey has scrapped it all away. 
    "Love me." 
    It began to build, but soon I was contorted with expression I have longed for years to know again.  I told Him "Look at my scars," and He did.  I didn't want justice.  "Not vindication or revenge, but love.  Mock them with Love."  He did.  "Look what the enemy did to me."  He did. 
    "What else do you want?" 
    "I want to love as you do."  Interspersed with more expressive interruptions.  "Make me whole again.  I want to love." 
    I officially asked for a spirit tongue around this point.  I don't usually officially ask, I just start babbling, but on occasions such as this asking officially really sets it all straight.  During the armors I'd opened my coat, vest, and pulled up my shirt in the physical.  Now I reached for my heart. 
    "Take hold of your heart, speak love to it, call it out, back, up, wake it up from slumber."  So I did in my tongue, Our tongue. 
    "As a woman has a womb, so your heart shall birth love, barren, fallow, no more.  Love will be born, and life.  As a Father for his Sons, a Brother for his Brothers, a Man for his Countrymen, teaching and love you will give to my children, your family, and the world.  I will take your words around the world." 
    We spoke a lot.  He'd ask things in English, I'd answer in Leyshu.  We were just Being together.  We spoke to my breath, to Peace, to Love, to Hope, to Joy, to my Life.  He gave me these things and I inhaled them, a thing we've done before.  Then we were just talking. 
    After that I named my brother Evan, Ebentirr, Most Precious One!  Most Cherished One!  Protected One!  Glorious Light!  In Leyshu, exclamations included.  Then I went and gave him a hug I haven't been able to for ten years.  He doesn't know his new name yet, as it should be.  Then I went and wrote this up since I'm excited.  Heh... 
    If Papa says somebody can learn from this, Sue, feel free to send it places.  I just see Him like happy thoughts and Christ on the Water. 
    Oh, and tomorrow I have the house to myself and He said we'd talk about a lot more. 
    I forgot, was it before or, no, after I spoke love to my heart and was talking in Leyshu, I came to a point where I had to sing.  I've sung some in the Sanctuary up at my church, drawn along, kind of nervously, and thought it was neat.  He had me sing to my heart...  Totally different.  I think it's connected to how I came to Him, not He called to me.  This was the first time I sought Him out AND stood before Him.  Before it was one OR the other, kind of, and usually at His behest as he shoo's me along like a duckling across a street.  This has got to be the first time I really felt my age, an impressive event for one who got steamrolled from the inside out. 
    That's about it I figure.  Glad to hear you had such fun at the Something-Something for a week or so.  Thanks for sharing, and for inviting us for coffee and lunch. 
    Oh, and one other thing...  Something about Counting the Omer, the fifty days between Passover and Pentecost, which we are in the middle of at present, and how to move ahead in Seeing was to be refined by the Holy Spirit, and how Counting the Omer is a time of refining, and how a lot of things are happening this year, to many to put down here but they all match up one after another, so thanks for coffee today!  You dislodged a lot and got me talking with Papa. 
   Love you Sis,