Thursday, October 13, 2022

Want to Hear from God?


Want to hear from God?

Relationship with His is key

Spending time in His presence

Listening and not talking all the time


A kind and gentle heart

Does not always talk with wants

It observes and listens

We can then hear others


Spending time in the Vast Mind of Christ

Quiet – still – no questions

Observing and yet not engaging

All thoughts that pass by


Here is where intimacy takes place

Just being who you are

Allowing yourself to open up

To receive any revelation God has for you


Any relationship needs fostering

Taking time out to be with that person

After a time, you begin to notice a change

There is depth in the relationship


Instead of asking, pleading, and whining

Be quiet and still; ask one question

“What is on your heart today, Father?”

Now listen with your whole being