Thursday, August 14, 2014

The World Lost a Laughing Genie

The entertainment world lost a very talented man on August 11, 2014.  He was only 5 years older than me.  I remember watching the TV show, Mork and Mindy and thinking, this guy is NUTS!  He was crazy, crazy good.  I mourned when that show went off the air.  It was so entertaining and he was so fascinating.

Then, we saw him in movies. Movies with heart and soul. “Good Morning, Vietnam!”, “Garp”, Dead Poet’s Society”, “Mrs. Doubtfire”, “Hook”, “Good Will Hunting”, “Alladin” and many, many more.  I could be transfixed with a character that he played so beautifully that I’d forget where I was. He made me laugh until I had tears rolling down my face and cry just as hard. 
In so many of the characters he played, he gave to us a glimpse from the very depths of his soul.

This man, who had struggled for years with depression, succumbed to it.  This makes me angry.  Depression is not the person’s fault.  It is not necessarily societies fault.  It can be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain and it can be caused by demons or both.   Either way, it is heart wrenching.

My own husband suffers with depression.  I have found that prayer helps. Actually, prayer helps him more often than not.  We’ve had breakthroughs oft and on in this journey.  I celebrate the breakthroughs and war on when standing before God on behalf of my sweet husband while the enemy attacks.  To be honest, those are hard battles.  The enemy loves to whisper in the subconscious of the one suffering.  The spirit of depression is subtle. It can go in hiding for a while, then BAM! It will strike when no one is looking. 

I quit my job last year because I didn’t want to leave my husband alone.  He cried a lot.  He had been out of work for two years prior and he was emotionally beaten down.  He wanted to work. He wanted to participate in our income.  He finally got a job April 2013. We saw that it was straight from God. It was amazing.  However, he still cried every morning before going to work.  I cried after he left as I prayed for healing for him.  In the 14 months since that time, there were emotional breakthroughs.  I have such a wonderful prayer support group. We keep kept pounding the courts of heaven on behalf of my husband.  He’s worth it. He’s a child of the Almighty God.

My husband was laid off again the end of June this year, 2014.  He was handling the layoff quite well.  I was skeptical, so I kept praying a hedge of protection over his mind and thoughts.  He’s done alright.  Once the job rejections began again, his self-worth started to deteriorate and the whispers of the enemy began once again. How could I tell?  Because of the type of statements he would say that weren’t from himself. 

I have rebuked the spirit of depression more times than I’d like to say here.  I’m still in a battle for my husband. I will not quit.  I may be fatigued and a bit worn, but I have a loving Heavenly Father that loves me and my husband.  He is giving me the strength and hope that I need each day.  I have a wonderful group of Praying Warriors that I know I can count on for support. You can’t deal with it by yourself. After a while, one gets to feeling isolated, so the support I have is wonderful.

I only wonder, if Robin Williams had had a support system that would have prayed and contended for him in the courts of Heaven what would have happened.  God loves Robin. I know in my heart that God is saddened that Robin felt he couldn’t keep going.  God created him for a purpose; a purpose higher than what we could even imagine.  To make people laugh.  He gave Robin the gift to make us laugh. I thank you Robin for using that gift. I will celebrate your life and the purpose God gave you. 
Nanu, Nanu.