Thursday, July 31, 2014

Faith, Growth and Miracles

I have been reading the book, "When Heaven Invades Earth, a Practical Guide to a Life of Miracles" by Bill Johnson. 

I have to say this, I WANT TO LIVE A LIFE WHERE THE MIRACLES HAPPEN....EVERYDAY!  I have pondered on this for some time....actually since I began following Jesus back in 1973.  However, I was never taught how. 

I am discovering, through going back into scripture, reading some books and talking with some of my prophetic friends, that what I was longing to do, I can do, through the Holy Spirit.  Well...duh!   But, my question has always been "how"?  I wanted to learn...I'm a see-er/do-er person.  I've NEVER had an example shown me, except Jesus. 

I have discovered as well, that most things can be obtained/accomplished without God/Holy Spirit leading.  I have the resources to do and accomplish LOTS of things for the Kingdom.....BUT....

Yes, BUT - is a HUGE three letter word.  But - where is God in all this?  Where is God in our meetings, our programs, our goals?  WHERE?   Well...apparently for a very long time, God has been placed on a shelf and just called upon - "when needed", like a prescription drug.  I'm sorry, but I just don't go for that. 

Indulge me.  Here is the excerpt from Bill Johnson's book, "When Heaven Invades Earth, a Practical Guide to a Life of Miracles".  Faith from a Relationship page 47.

    “The Holy Spirit lives in my spirit. That is the place of communion with God.  As we learn to receive from our spirits we learn how to be Spirit lead.
     "By faith, we understand."  Faith is the foundation for all true intellectualism.  When we learn to learn that way, we open ourselves up to grow in true faith because faith does not require understanding to function.
 I'm sure that most of you have had this experience--you've been reading the Bible, and a verse jumps out at youThere is a great excitement over this verse that seems to give so much life and encouragement to you. Yet initially you couldn't teach or explain that verse if your life depended on it.  What happened is this:  Your spirit received the life-giving power of the word from the Holy Spirit.  When we learn to receive from our spirit, our mind becomes the student and is therefore subject to the Holy Spirit. Through the process of revelation and experience our mind eventually obtains understanding.  That is biblical learning--the spirit giving influence to the mind.”

By 'faith'....  I think this is what has happened, at least here in America with the CHURCH (the Body of Christ).  We give intellectual knowledge the go ahead, rather than being vulnerable to the leading of the Holy Spirit. We know we can accomplish much with our resources....but come on; can't God do better, if we allow Him toDUH!!!  Of course He can!

The Holy Spirit LIVES in my spirit.  I asked him to, way back in 1973.  Every so often, He will stir my spirit awake, like from a long sleep, to get me off my comfortable chair and follow Him.  Okay!!!!  It wasn't until last year, in 2011 that I really started searching deep within myself.  I wanted more of God.  I really wanted MORE.  I knew I was missing out, but darn it, didn't know how to attain that - more.

Faith.  Simple and true.  Believing I have a Heavenly Papa who loves me so much, that He wants to show me the things of Heaven.  He has. In just a little over a year, I had learned to not just have a "quiet time", but to have some Papa God time, where I can go and sit on His lap, tell him things and as I sit quietly, He tells me things as well.

I have learned just from that time together I have the Holy Spirit to counsel and guide me, and help me speak words that need to be spoken.  I have been used of the Holy Spirit to heal.  Yes, my conservative Baptist friends....heal. Allowing Holy Spirit to work through this broken vessel to help another, and show His love is AMAZING!  It didn't just happen once, either.  I have been (as some call it) "slain in the spirit" with my head plastered on a table at 5 Guys Burgers, while just sharing and talking with my husband and a friend.(That was a first, by the way.)  A little worship & prayer time we were having, just the three of us, yes, in the middle of 5 Guys Burgers on one of the busiest nights they had.  God seemed to put us in a bubble, because no one really noticed us.  

As a daughter of the King, I want to live for Him.  I strive to love as He loved and to help others as He did, but not through my strength.  I fail quite often.  I'm still human and I have to repent...every day.  But, Papa God still uses me.  I get disgusted with work at times.  I am impatient.  I can get grumpy sometimes.  Yet, God still loves me and still uses me for the Kingdom, in spite of - ME!  Thank goodness.

I have stepped out in Faith on many occasions this past year.  Yes, I have.  It has been a scary journey at times, yet wondrous.  I have found that when I act in faith on what I have been told by Holy Spirit to do, WOW!  Just WOW!

This is just who I am - at this time of my life.  Good grief!  You would think at 58, I would want to slow down, right?  WRONG!  There is so much more I want to learn and to grow in.  Who wants to slow down?  NOT ME!