Thursday, September 18, 2014

My Adventure with Papa God

My journey is my relationship with God and the adventures that He takes me on. So here is something from my journal I'd like to share with you.

This is a  Journal entry from April 28, 2012.

With our move coming upon us in a month, I sit here at my laptop and wonder:  Papa God, where are we moving to?  I wonder what kind of place? Is it an apartment, duplex, triplex, a house? How large of a place? Will it be a studio, one or two bedroom apt, house,  or even in someone’s basement apt?  Will we still be in the Ballard/Greenwood area or Shoreline or Spokane or Olympia?  If you had met me probably 10-15 years ago, I would have been freakin’ out!  Truly freakin’!

I wanted and needed security; a known place to go to where all my “stuff” would go to.  Now -
I am on an adventure with my Papa God. He has Jim and me on an adventure with Him. He provides what we need: financially right now, since Jim isn’t working full-time or even part-time, the food we eat and everything else.  I have to smile, because for lots of people….including myself sometimes, that’s a hard place to be. But, let’s go back and re-cap…my journey with my Papa God.

We’ve always wanted a house to call our own:  a place that we could invest in and use as a sort of ministry base for us. Well, after almost 29 years of marriage, that still hasn’t happened, and may never happen.  I can see in some cases where that would have been a GREAT burden for us.  When we both lost our jobs at the same time (1995), yet God called us to minister in Japan for two years. It would have been rather difficult for us to do that with a house payment and such. All we had to do was give notice of departure to our landlord, pack our “stuff”, store it for a couple of years then head to Japan with a little bit of our belongings.
In Japan we lived “simply”.  Didn’t need much, and we didn’t have the space for it either.  We not only survived, we thrived.  We were relying upon God to meet our needs.
When we returned from Japan to Seattle, we had changed. God had taken us through some lessons that we could not have learned here in the states. Some were a precursor to how we live now. He took us out of our comfort zone and away from our deep social base.  We had to learn to rely upon Him to help us and direct us.  Oh yes, we met friends there in Japan and they are still friends to this day, but when we first left Seattle, I felt like I had something ripped out of me. I am assuming it was the same feeling that Eustice Scrubb felt when Aslan began stripping away all the “layers” of stuff on him in “Voyage of the Dawn Treader” by C.S. Lewis. 

Now, in 2014 we are still continuing our journey with Papa God. He still cares for us. I don’t mean that in a light way.  He takes care of all our needs. I'm not "freakin'" out so much. I have a greater peace within me.  That I believe stems from my discovery of who I am and Whose I am.  When my crazy journey began, Papa God gave me this scripture to hold on to. It has been a comfort and yes, even at times, a HUG from Papa God letting me know He has taken care of things for me.  Some days are easier to handle than some others, yet He is always there. Always Good. My rock and my salvation.

 Psalm 23 (The Message)

God, my shepherd!
    I don’t need a thing.
You have bedded me down in lush meadows,
    you find me quiet pools to drink from.
True to your word,
    you let me catch my breath
    and send me in the right direction.

Even when the way goes through
    Death Valley,
I’m not afraid
    when you walk at my side.
Your trusty shepherd’s crook
    makes me feel secure.

You serve me a six-course dinner
    right in front of my enemies.
You revive my drooping head;
    my cup brims with blessing.

Your beauty and love chase after me
    every day of my life.
I’m back home in the house of God
    for the rest of my life.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Facing the Giants

I'm going to be very real here. This journey in the past three years has been difficult.  I have been Facing a Giant.  It is not pretty and it has a lot to do with my sweet husband, who is in the midst of facing his Giant. He was laid off once again in June and is having difficulty trying to find work.  I watch him day after day, as he receives initial phone interviews with recruiters and maybe gets another interview, but then nothing. He works everyday, most of the day looking for work.  It is difficult for me to watch him. He hurts and I can't fix it. Though I know Papa God is with both of us.
We are forging ahead in some unknown territory in our walk with God.  This walk is like a jungle.  A mass of foliage, briars, hedges that prick you, and then the devil’s club.  With a loss like a job, for my husband it has brought on more despair and despondency. Those are his giants and we are facing those Giants together. They may not be exactly like this clip, but this is how we feel… yet, my husband isn’t quite there where Grant is at the end of the clip - not yet anyway, but he is getting there.


“My eyes are weak from crying Lord, I have prayed to you every day; I have lifted my hands in prayer to you.”

 “I lift my eyes to the hills. Where does my help come from?  My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of  Heaven and Earth”

 In Revelation 3: 7-13 it says:
“This is what the One who is holy and true, who holds the key of David, says. When he opens a door, no one can close it. And when he closes it, no one can open it.  I know what you do. I have put an open door before you, which no one can close. I know you have little strength, but you have obeyed my teaching and were not afraid to speak my name.”

 Those in the synagogue that belongs to Satan say they are Jews, but they are not true Jews; they are liars. I will make them come before you and bow at your feet, and they will know that I have loved you.  You have obeyed my teaching about not giving up your faith. So I will keep you from the time of trouble that will come to the whole world to test those who live on earth.

 “I am coming soon. Continue strong in your faith so no one will take away your crown.  I will make those who win the victory pillars in the temple of my God, and they will never have to leave it. I will write on them the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem,[a] that comes down out of heaven from my God. I will also write on them my new name.  Everyone who has ears should listen to what the Spirit says to the churches.

 Remember, my husband has been dealing with a spirit of  Despondency and Despair, as well as rejection. Then this past Sunday evening while having wonderful BBQ and fellowship with a lot of old and new friends, we received a breakthrough. One so profound that the look on my husband's face was extraordinary. A few folks prayed over my husband and there was deliverance from the despondency and despair (depression).  Joy was now in him.  Wow, in fact a Joy that has been pushed down for many years came out, like a child.  Powerful Joy. Those around him were laughing and enjoying that Joy that he seemed to be throwing at them.

Since Sunday, he has slept so much better.  Peaceful sleep. I could feel the Shalom covering him. That peace and rest in God that hadn't been there for quite some time. So, I think he will begin to bloom where God places him. We are trusting God and thank Him everyday that he has a job, even before he has one!  We are preparing the field for harvest.


“I have resolved to give all that I have to God and leave the results to Him. I want to know if you'll join me.” Grant, Facing the Giants

The movie - "Facing the Giants"

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Preparing for the Wedding Day

I’ve been pondering a bit on weddings.  Now, I was married 30 years ago, and it just seems to me that it is the ceremony and all the hoopla that is the focus.

As a bride, there are many things to do to get ready for our bridegroom. All the details for getting ready for that “Big Day” when the two will become one.

Typically, we do a lot of planning for the reception: the venue, the food, flowers, the band, and who to invite. We also spend a lot of time planning and shopping for the dress, shoes, veil, colors for the dresses for the attendants, registering at one or more stores at their Bridal registry for the items you would like to receive as gifts for your home together. 

A lot of time and energy is spent in getting ready for the day of the wedding, which is probably the biggest party you’ll ever put on.  It can be a very stressful day for some, but others, it is a true day of celebration with family and friends. This can be the main day for the whole family to get together.

However, one way of preparation, that is quite often missed, is counseling and mentoring the bride and groom.  I personally believe, that this is the most important piece of getting ready for the wedding. It prepares the bride and groom for after the wedding.  How to live with each other as a loving community for the rest of their lives.  There are some couples who even continue with a mentor after marriage, to get check-ups, so to speak. If there are issues that have sprung up, having a mentor to listen and provide some wisdom is wonderful.

I’m going to ask you a question. Think on this for a bit. Then answer.

 How should the Body of Christ (the Bride) be preparing for our wedding with the Bridegroom?

What is it that the Bridegroom requires of us?

What kind of character should be fostered in the Bride?

The words to “Song of the Beautiful Bride” by Paul Wilbur hit me with full force.
This is really what I want to be…. His Beautiful Bride.

There Is A Noise,
There Is A Sound
There Is A Cry From The Depths Of Our Hearts,
Heaven Come Down

Will Not Be Silenced,
Cant Be Contained
The Cry Of A People,
A Priesthood, A Nation,
Called By Your Name

Out Of The Darkness,
Redeemed From The Night,
Bathed In His Glory,
Reflecting His Light

Oh What A Beautiful Bride

From Every Nation,
From Every Tribe,
Clothed With His Righteousness,
Fully Alive

Hear The Song Of The Beautiful Bride

Oh What A Mystery,
How Great The Love
Goes To The Broken,
The Orphan, The Chosen
Making Us One

And Under His Hand,
United We Stand
Bearing The Goodness,
The Beautiful Mercy,
Of Great I AM

Out Of The Darkness,
Redeemed From The Night,
Bathed In His Glory,
Reflecting His Light

Oh What A Beautiful Bride

From Every Nation,
From Every Tribe,
Clothed With His Righteousness,
Fully Alive

Hear The Song Of The Beautiful Bride

How Great And Marvelous Are All Your Deeds
Nations Will Come
And Bow Down At Your Feet

Glory To You Lord Of All
King Of All Kings, We Sing

How Great And Marvelous Are All Your Deeds
Nations Will Come
And Bow Down At Your Feet

Glory To You Lord Of All
King Of All Kings

Out Of The Darkness,
Redeemed From The Night,
Bathed In His Glory,
Reflecting His Light

Oh What A Beautiful Bride

From Every Nation,
From Every Tribe,
Clothed With His Righteousness,
Fully Alive

Hear The Song Of The Beautiful Bride
Hear The Song Of Your Bride
Song Of The Bride
Dance With Me

Hear The Song Of Your Bride
Lover Of My Soul

Lover Of My Soul
Hear The Song Of Your Bride