Thursday, February 4, 2016

Taking Out the Garbage

I was watching the Waste Management Truck pick up our apartment complex’s garbage today. I was glad that it was gone. It can get a little smelly, even in the winter months. There was a week where the WM didn’t pick up the garbage. Boy was that awful. It was in the summer and it had been pretty HOT during the week. Some of that garbage stank really bad.

I take my regular garbage out about every 5 days or so or until my garbage sack gets full. It would be nice if the outside garbage can was more convenient, but I live on the 3rd floor in my apartment building, and my knees don’t like going up and down those stairs all the time.  I have sometimes taken out the garbage twice in one day, especially if I have been doing a lot of deep cleaning of the refrigerator and sorting for the recycling. Cleaning out the fridge is not a fun task, because sometimes I find “things” that were forgotten.

This got me to thinking about my personal garbage I may carry around with me daily. Huh. What kind of garbage you ask?  Well, how about: gossip, slander, deceit, lies, lust, anger, unforgiveness, slothfulness, hate, fear and there are probably more. Do you realize that these are really stinky?  They are a filthy stinking aroma.  This is not what I want in my life at all.  I need to take this garbage out!

I find that “taking my garbage out” daily before the Lord is so cleansing.  I feel lighter and more refreshed.  If I leave “stuff” until later to take care of, such as unforgiveness and anger, then bitterness begins to grow.  Bitterness become like mold and mildew and can spread and get into everything; so difficult to get these out.

My life is to daily be a fragrant offering to the Lord.  This means daily coming into the Presence of God, having conversation with Him and allowing Him to show me what I need to take out to the garbage. I will tell you first hand that it is not easy to confess your faults or sin. However, God is our Father, and He is gentle in teaching us.  This concept may be difficult for some to understand, due to past experiences with an earthly dad that wasn’t gentle, but God has so much more love for us. He wants to help us, but we have to be willing to undergo those times of confessions (cleaning).

For example: I was driving to the post office one day not too long ago. I was cut off three times by people.  The first time I shrugged it off, but by the third time, I was getting a bit tiffed! I verbalized that (no, I didn’t swear) by making a derogatory remark about the drivers of the vehicles.  At that precise moment, I felt conviction from Holy Spirit. I could have argued that I was right, but deep down in my heart, I knew I wasn’t.  I immediately repented and blessed those drivers that cut me off. I blessed their day. I even prayed that the Lord would show them His love in such a way that they would stop and consider others safety. In that moment, I took the garbage out.   It didn’t have time to fester and get old and moldy.

So, I encourage you to take your garbage out daily or even hourly if you have to.  To walk in a manner worthy of the Lord is to walk with Heaven’s fragrance surrounding you. Don’t be a garbage can. Wouldn’t you want to attract butterflies rather than flies?