Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Lighthouse

This journal entry was about 4 years ago.....

I was driving and headed to a play rehearsal that I was directing. From the street, I can see the steeple of my church.  As I glanced at it, the steeple turned into a lighthouse.

At first, I wasn't sure I was seeing correctly.  I  had the realization that this was an open vision. I've never had any "visions" that I could recall.   I was still driving and seeing this lighthouse where the church was and decided not to freak out. You see, this was REALLY NEW to me. And I was still driving the car!

I asked Father, "So, what does that mean?"

He said,"It is my lighthouse to the city."

"Okay. What does that mean?"

He said,"See the light that is streaming out of the four windows?"


He said,"See the light streaming down into the lighthouse? Then, the light goes directly out."


He said,"That is my power that flows through to the church and then the church is to use that power to flow out to the city.  The church cannot do this on its own. It must come from Me. Tell them this."

Then....the vision ended.  Wow.

My thought was, "What just happened? Did I really just have a vision and talked with God?"

So I went on to my play rehearsal with that vision in the back of my mind. And I didn't crash my car. There must have been an angel driving. I couldn't see anything except the vision.

I am now seeing that vision come to fruition. Its kind of fun to watch the Lord move.  But, you know what?  I had to speak this out to a couple of folk at church. A friend  who was on the elder board and to the pastor.  I had to, because I was told to.  I have to admit, it took me a couple of weeks to get the nerve.  What if they thought I was nuts?  This church really didn't teach ANY of this for today. UNTIL now....

Well, I'm glad I was obedient, albeit a little slow and hesitant, but in the end obedient.

So, I just thought I'd share that with you all.  Because, God told me to!