Thursday, August 28, 2014

A Lesson in Casting Out Demon Spirits

Papa God has been talking to me for the past 3 years about his kids not utilizing or using His gifts that He has given.  The Body of Christ cannot sustain itself without the Gifts that He has given to each one of us to use for the edification of the Body.

I am learning through experience, that if someone discerns there is a demon spirit around, say in a room, they run to another who they feel has experience to cast it out.  This is when that person who does have experience, takes the time to teach the one asking to do it themselves.

Let me just say, that I count myself still new to this, but I have recognized my Identity in Christ as His daughter. Because of this, Papa God is teaching me new things like casting out demon spirits.

A dear friend discerned there was a demon in her young son’s room.  She asked her mom and I down to pray.   The moment I stepped into the house, I smelled smoke (not sulfur). I asked if she had a fireplace in the house. She affirmed that, but they’ve not used it.  That gave me all the info I needed at that point. We talked for a time and then I went directly into the little guy’s room.  Heaviness, awful heaviness.  I went back down and asked for some virgin olive oil.  I went back upstairs into the room, and prayed over the door posts and throughout the room.  The heaviness got worse.  I really stirred up something.

I asked them to pray, in preparation for themselves.  I then asked them if they knew their angel’s name? They didn’t, so I asked them to ask their angel’s their name.  Then we asked them to go before us ready to battle for us. By the way, the angels (theirs and mine) were really excited.

We went upstairs, I asked them to go in and then tell me what they sensed.  They sensed a few things. So, I then told my friend whose home it was, that she had full authority here, because it was her home and these spirits have no right to be here.  I told her mom, she also had some authority there as well, as she was family.  I was there to coach and lend support. 

So I said: “If you discovered someone in your house, that did not belong there, nor was invited, how would you tell them to leave?” Off they went. They commanded and declared and sent the angels to battle.  The episode didn’t really take much time.  However, I still sensed there was something.  I asked my friend if there was anything that needed to be confessed, and she broke down and said, “Anger. Anger is still here.”  So, she confessed and rebuked anger. And by golly, Anger left…quickly. 

Once that was done, I asked them to leave the room and just count to 20 or so before coming back. I did this so that they could have a clearer sense coming back into the room.  It was like cleansing your discerning palette.   Once they came back into the room, I asked them if they could sense anything.

The sense in the room was lighter and cleaner!

Another example:

My husband and I were in Arby’s eating dinner one evening. We were talking and all of a sudden my husband’s face changed.  Yes, the expression changed so completely that it wasn’t him I was seeing.  At first, it scared me, then I asked what was happening and Papa God told me which spirit it was.  I was seeing a manifestation of fear.

I put my sandwich down and looked directly into those eyes. It was rather chilling. Those were not my husband’s eyes I was looking into.  I took my husband’s hands and told him to repeat after me. So, we rebuked the spirit of fear in the middle of Arby’s restaurant during dinner time.  We commanded it to leave on the spot. We thanked the Holy Spirit for instruction and to fill my husband up with the Fruit of the Spirit, especially peace, in place of fear.  We asked for God’s Shalom to cover him.  We praised Papa God in prayer. Yup, right in the middle of Arby’s restaurant.  No shouting - just inside conversational voices so we wouldn’t make a scene.  His face changed so dramatically, it took my breath away.

Since that time, we haven’t had any issue with fear.

Since both of those incidents, I personally haven’t had any more encounters, as such.  Those were good learning situations.   Learning to listen to the Holy Spirit is vital.  Holy Spirit will give you puzzle pieces, like smell (I smelled smoke in the first example.)  He may also tell you to have angels help or other instructions, but we must really tune in and listen.  As for the manifestation of a spirit, immediately go and stand with Papa God. Your authority comes from Him because you are a child of the King of Kings. The blood of Jesus has covered and paid for everything at the cross. When Jesus said, “It is finished.” He meant it. It is paid in full.  Jesus bought the keys back from Satan so has no authority over us. We are free from bondage, so it is good to remind him of that.

There are many more people who are much more experienced with casting out demon spirits than I am.  I am just me - a regular person who loves the Lord with all her heart. I try to live my life with Jesus walking beside me every day.  Some days are great and some days not so great.  But, I allow Papa God to teach me, he will then have me teach others.  That’s how we all learn to utilize the gifts in the Body of Christ.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

STUFF, Like Faith

I've been talking to God about some stuff. Yeah..."stuff".
It’s about faith. I have faith. I have faith that God will provide my needs, because He said He would in scripture. He cares for His kids.

My question is: Do you have a faith that God can see? Are you doing something out of the ordinary to show God you believe in Him? It's not enough to "just" pray. It's not enough to "just" believe. We have to do something to demonstrate our faith. I believe God calls us to do that each day.  It’s a step or a leap at times, but we still have to “do” something.

 Read Mark 2: 1 - 5

“A few days later, when Jesus again entered Capernaum, the people heard that he had come home.  They gathered in such large numbers that there was no room left, not even outside the door, and he preached the word to them.  Some men came, bringing to him a paralyzed man, carried by four of them.  Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lowered the mat the man was lying on. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”” NIV

Look at what the paralyzed man’s friends did for him.  They had faith that Jesus would do something for their friend.  They literally climbed up on the roof, destroyed the roof by making a hole large enough to lower down their paralyzed friend on his pallet. These guys did something. Well, first they “heard”.  They must have been listening to all the conversations around them about Jesus and he had come home to Capernaum.

Second, they got together to make a decision how to get their friend to Jesus.  Third, when they got there, what did they do?  They saw that the place was packed.  They couldn’t get to Jesus the conventional way.  Did they just give up and say, “Ah man!  This is packed.  There’s no way we can get him to Jesus!”  NO! They didn’t say that.  Look what they DID.  They made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lowered the mat the man was lying on.”  At that point, Jesus “saw” their faith and forgave the paralyzed man’s sins. “Son, your sins are forgiven.”

Goodness!  Jesus saw the faith of the friends who did something for their paralyzed friend.

I think that God wants us to "DO" something once in a while. We can't just sit on our bums and "just" pray. We are partners with God, we are His Kids. We have His fullness or essence/glory of Him living in us. We are in Christ.

So, now is the time. Take up your own pallet. Get up off your bum and walk/live for Jesus. Show your neighborhood that He lives in you. (No Bible beating over the head allowed!)  Love those around you.  Don’t ignore them.  The world already does that. You, on the other hand, have God’s essence, His fullness, His Love living in you. If God is Love, then we must love as He does. If God is Mercy, we must show mercy. If God is......... you finish this as the Holy Spirit leads you!


Thursday, August 14, 2014

The World Lost a Laughing Genie

The entertainment world lost a very talented man on August 11, 2014.  He was only 5 years older than me.  I remember watching the TV show, Mork and Mindy and thinking, this guy is NUTS!  He was crazy, crazy good.  I mourned when that show went off the air.  It was so entertaining and he was so fascinating.

Then, we saw him in movies. Movies with heart and soul. “Good Morning, Vietnam!”, “Garp”, Dead Poet’s Society”, “Mrs. Doubtfire”, “Hook”, “Good Will Hunting”, “Alladin” and many, many more.  I could be transfixed with a character that he played so beautifully that I’d forget where I was. He made me laugh until I had tears rolling down my face and cry just as hard. 
In so many of the characters he played, he gave to us a glimpse from the very depths of his soul.

This man, who had struggled for years with depression, succumbed to it.  This makes me angry.  Depression is not the person’s fault.  It is not necessarily societies fault.  It can be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain and it can be caused by demons or both.   Either way, it is heart wrenching.

My own husband suffers with depression.  I have found that prayer helps. Actually, prayer helps him more often than not.  We’ve had breakthroughs oft and on in this journey.  I celebrate the breakthroughs and war on when standing before God on behalf of my sweet husband while the enemy attacks.  To be honest, those are hard battles.  The enemy loves to whisper in the subconscious of the one suffering.  The spirit of depression is subtle. It can go in hiding for a while, then BAM! It will strike when no one is looking. 

I quit my job last year because I didn’t want to leave my husband alone.  He cried a lot.  He had been out of work for two years prior and he was emotionally beaten down.  He wanted to work. He wanted to participate in our income.  He finally got a job April 2013. We saw that it was straight from God. It was amazing.  However, he still cried every morning before going to work.  I cried after he left as I prayed for healing for him.  In the 14 months since that time, there were emotional breakthroughs.  I have such a wonderful prayer support group. We keep kept pounding the courts of heaven on behalf of my husband.  He’s worth it. He’s a child of the Almighty God.

My husband was laid off again the end of June this year, 2014.  He was handling the layoff quite well.  I was skeptical, so I kept praying a hedge of protection over his mind and thoughts.  He’s done alright.  Once the job rejections began again, his self-worth started to deteriorate and the whispers of the enemy began once again. How could I tell?  Because of the type of statements he would say that weren’t from himself. 

I have rebuked the spirit of depression more times than I’d like to say here.  I’m still in a battle for my husband. I will not quit.  I may be fatigued and a bit worn, but I have a loving Heavenly Father that loves me and my husband.  He is giving me the strength and hope that I need each day.  I have a wonderful group of Praying Warriors that I know I can count on for support. You can’t deal with it by yourself. After a while, one gets to feeling isolated, so the support I have is wonderful.

I only wonder, if Robin Williams had had a support system that would have prayed and contended for him in the courts of Heaven what would have happened.  God loves Robin. I know in my heart that God is saddened that Robin felt he couldn’t keep going.  God created him for a purpose; a purpose higher than what we could even imagine.  To make people laugh.  He gave Robin the gift to make us laugh. I thank you Robin for using that gift. I will celebrate your life and the purpose God gave you. 
Nanu, Nanu.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

My True Identity

My generation (the Jesus Movement folks from the 1960’s and 1970’s) was looking for "Who am I" and "Why am I here". We’re the “I’m okay, You’re okay” generation. I have noticed the millennial generation is also asking those same questions. They are looking for something much deeper than the "church" is giving them. They are looking for themselves, but they can't find it in the traditional church.

 I happen to know that it would be very easy to discover who we are and why we're here, but "stuff" got in the way. You know “stuff”, Life. I understand that every culture wants a person to conform to the modes of that culture. People tell you, you must do or be this or that to become yourself. You must dress this way or look like that model.  You must have this kind of body.  You need to worship only in this manner to know God and find yourself. That is such nonsense!

I found my identity; yup, my true identity.  Once I found that, and understood who I was; the “Why am I here” just naturally came to light!  Knowing that identity – that ME - it has changed my perspective in the way I look at myself and others. It even changed how I approach difficulties and even wonderful surprises!  My worldview has taken on a whole new perspective.  Where I was negative, I see the positive.  If there is a problem, instead of complaining, I seek a solution to that problem.

There is a passion in my life that was stuck somewhere, until now. I have a passion for Life, myself, my family, my neighbors, even the nations of this world. It is like I’ve received new lenses for my eyes and a new heart. I never knew I could love so vast and deep. Where there was a half empty glass, now it really is full. No half empty or half full glasses in my life any longer.

Was there a world changing event in my life?  Yes, but that was back in 1973. That was the beginning of this journey. The REALLY knowing who I am has taken me a lifetime since then. I have a purpose in this life. I have an identity that will never change.  Who showed me who I am?  Jesus Christ.   I am His daughter; daughter of the King. My identity is in him.