Thursday, November 10, 2016

My Personal Mountains – Mountain of Provision

 I’m sitting in the car waiting for Jim at his workplace. We’re heading to Tumwater to stay with my sister Karen for Thanksgiving.

Because our finances don’t seem to be any better since Jim got his permanent full-time job in July of this year, in fact they seem to have gotten worse, I asked Holy Spirit if I should go to court again or if there was a mountain I needed to clear off.  “A mountain” is what I heard, so by faith I went up in the spirit to what I thought was my Mountain of Finance.

However, before I went to that mountain, I went to the Holy of Holies and took communion. That is a time I take to “see if there is any wicked way in me” and confess it before the Lord.  I want to be clean and full of His righteousness always. I find I can see and hear a whole lot better once I do this. After taking communion, in the spirit, I went and stood before the Ark of the Covenant.  It was difficult to discern, but I saw the Eagle face out of the four faces of God. (The four faces of God: Lion, Ox, Eagle, Man.) I waited to hear or receive a mandate for when I go to the Mountain of Finance. I heard – “Go to the mountain.  All will be revealed.”  So, in the spirit, I went to the mountain.

As I looked around (more perceiving at this point), I sensed it was very dark and sludgy. I have my sword of Truth, which shines light, so I unsheathed it so it would shed light.  I walked around the base of the mountain. Sludge and mud – YUCK! I wished I had put on a pair of rubber boots. Then, walked up a bit on a trail and pretty much ran into an ogre. I asked my Angels, Mikael and Fred, to pin him down and shackle him. After doing that, we discovered two other ogres and they did the same to them; pinned them down and shackled them. 

I asked Holy Spirit what to do now.  I heard, “Court of War. They are trespassing.”.  So, Mikael and Fred along with the three ogres and I went to the Court of War.

Court of War

Once again, in the spirit we were transported to a hallway where there was a huge wood door and two very large angels standing guard.  One asked why I was there. I told him I had three ogres that had trespassed on my mountain and the angel then opened the door and allowed me to enter.
I realize that my angels have taken these three ogres to someplace else. I think probably some sort of holding area.

As I entered the courtroom, I see Jesus standing there waiting for me.  He smiled at me and gestured for me to come by his side.  I looked around the courtroom.  It was wider and not as deep.  I see the Cloud of Witnesses to the left of me and the Judge (God) in the front of the room at the bench. It appeared like a regular courtroom one would see on earth, sort of, except there was a lot of Glory-Light in that room.

I asked Jesus to give me some pointers, because I wasn’t sure what the protocol was in this court.  He asked me what I needed. I told him.  He smiled and said that I was in the right place.

After a few pointers, like acknowledging the Court (God), the Cloud of Witnesses, and Jesus, I approached the bench.  In the Court of War, Jesus isn’t just an advocate, he is our co-counsel on every case, so again I am not alone.

The Father asked me to approach the bench.  I acknowledge Him, Jesus and Holy Spirit. I acknowledged the Cloud of Witnesses that were also in attendance.  I stated what had been happening with the finance situation in our family and what I found on the mountain. 

The Judge (GOD) called the angels to present the ogres before the court.  I did not know that these three ogres represented three negative trading floor kings: Tyre- Money, materialism and all that entails; Athaliah – Kingly seed, “identity- I’m not good enough” and all those lies; and lastly Leviathan – Twisted communication, half-truth, trying to impress people. (I only knew this because Jesus told me.)

The three ogres stood before the Judge (God) in shackles and their mouths duct taped, so they could not speak. They were not happy.  They writhed as they stood before the Judge. Partly because of the Light that came from the Father. Then, Father judged them “Guilty of Trespassing”.  The three ogres were then taken by three Bailiffs and Jesus.  I saw them all go through a door, but did not know where they were taken.

Father then gave me a scroll. I looked at it and it said,

”All that has been taken, stolen or removed by the enemy is to be restored 7 fold, by the enemy to Sue Beckman and her husband, Jim. Any plunder that had been taken: jobs or promotions that were stolen, all money that should have been multiplying and continue to multiply will be restored. The enemy is to keep his hands off.
This will continue:  All that is touched, created, thought of, promotions, unexpected inheritances, jobs will prosper to the fullest.”

I took the scroll and was directed to the Court of Scribes. This looked like the front of a library or something. It had a counter where an Angel Scribe stood.  I handed the scroll to the Scribe. They took it and went away for just a moment.  Then was back with two scrolls. They had made a copy; the original I keep and the copy goes to the Court of Angels.

I then went to the Court of Angels. As I stepped into the court area, they all stopped and waited for me to give them instructions.  I asked for volunteers to begin the clean- up of my mountain. Well, I had quite a few (like hundreds) raise their hands.  I picked 50, gave them the scroll and we all went to my mountain.

Clean-up of the Mountain

Back at the mountain, I asked the angels to find the opening on the inside of the mountain.  Once found, I went in.  Great Scott!  There was a hoard of treasure! More than I could have imagined.  With the angelic help, we sorted and cleaned.  I saw a stairway of sorts, that led up to a ledge. I went up that and found a knob of some sort.  I tried to turn it, but it was rusted and wouldn’t budge. So, Mikael came and helped me turn it. Well, he did most of it, because he is stronger than I am.

I heard a trickle of water. It was coming from up overhead towards my right.  More and more water came until there was a beautiful waterfall.  The fresh sparkling water began to clean the sludge from the floor.  It also was cleaning off the treasure. I noticed a huge grate. It was closed, so asked Fred to open it. He (Fred) had a couple of other angels help him clean it out once he opened it. Then, the water went through the grate.  Once the water was flowing, everything inside became clean and smelled nice. In fact, the water was bringing gems and scrolls and other things into the mountain.

I walked back outside and the mud and sludge was cleaned away. There are fish and fresh sweet water running around the base of the mountain now. It looks like a moat, but with fresh clear and very clean water.  Also, the water sparkled and shimmered, which makes the mountain kind of glow.

There is a path that goes up the mountain. As I walk up it, I notice a scrawny tree.  I asked an angel to get some of the fresh water and water it.  When he did that, it began to grow and the fruit of it was like “money”. A money tree? Its blossoms were gold and silver coins. Large ones.  The tree was green; a deep lush green.  Around the tree are flowers, but the flowers are gemstones; precious and semi-precious stones. 

When I reached the top of the mountain, there was a small garden around the throne that was there. I sat upon that throne and spoke from the scroll that was given to me from the Court of War.  Once I spoke those declarations, I posted two angels on the mountain to guard and protect it. I sat there for quite a while and praised God for His provision. I realized this is not the mountain of finance, but the Mountain of Provision.  All provision come from God. It does not from man. That stopped me in my tracks.  Now I look at our family finances as God’s provision now. What game changer in new thinking.  Thank you Father