Tuesday, July 26, 2016


I pondered what Jesus told me: “Your next season of learning has begun.”

You see, back in January/February 2015, I had another friend die of cancer. (That made about 5 in two years!) I had had enough. I wanted answers.  I was pretty upset. In fact, I was so upset that I was really angry at God about it.  I had prayed and prayed. Apparently my prayers don’t make a difference, or so I thought.  I railed at God, just like King David.  In that railing , I was also reminding God of how much He does loves His creation.  I kept asking God,” What is the key to all this?  There has to be a key.  What am I missing?  Please tell me!”  Well, you see, He had that key for me: Kingdom Government.

What does that mean? Well, I was soon to find out.  Two days after Jesus took me to my Mountain in heaven, I was at a conference. It was called “Deed Calls to Deep” and by the end of the week my poor head was so full.  It was at this conference I began to understand in a deeper way what Jesus had told me about my seven mountains of influence.

Let’s just say that whatever grid I had before was totally blown away by the end of the week.  As scripture was opened up to me, my spirit was starting to jump.  No butterflies whatsoever, but it was literally jumping for joy!  Everything that the conference speaker said, I listened with intensity and asking Holy Spirit for discernment - everything. 

He spoke about Kingdom Government.  How as sons and daughters of God, we are called to rule now, not when we are dead.  We all have mountains and realms of authority that we are supposed to be governing over now, not later.  He gave us so much background, not only scripture but metaphysics and other science stuff (which I sort of tuned out of, but am sure glad I got the recording).  Basically, the speaker told me the same thing that Jesus told me, but went into it in more depth.  I’m thinking that Jesus knew that this would be so overwhelming to me, so he told me ahead of time the “gist” and left the rest to be filled in.

Kingdom government is so different than what the “Church” today has in place.  In fact, what the church has in place is upside down from what it should be. I don’t wish to go into it in depth here, but suffice it to say, currently the church has it like a pyramid - top down. What Kingdom government should be like is a pyramid upside down.  We should be a reflection of Heaven, but we aren’t.

As we each step into our identity and destiny that God has for each of us, we can then begin to rule as sons and daughters of God.  That rule is taken seriously in Heaven.  Why do you think that Jesus came to earth; to just die on the cross and save us from our sins?  That is only part of it.  Remember, Jesus brought heaven to earth.

 “As you go, preach this message:
 “The kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (NIV) Matt 10:7

“Your prayers, rather, should be simple, like this:
    Our Father in heaven,
        let Your name remain holy.
     Bring about Your kingdom.
    Manifest Your will here on earth,
        as it is manifest in heaven.” (The Voice)  Matt 6:9-10

Anyway, I listened and prayed.  I realized with a bit more clarity that Jesus was the living, breathing example of HOW to live here on earth.  He showed us. The New Testament is full of his examples and the examples of the disciples.  It seems that Jesus’ mandate from the Father was: to go and live as a human being. Show them how to live and what to live for. Be their example, so that they in turn can learn to do what I show you, so that the disciples in turn can continue to learn and show how my Kingdom is to be set on earth. 

Wow.  We’ve not done a good job at our part, up to this point.  It is time to change.

I also learned that when the church does function as an upside down pyramid, Heaven invades earth more easily.

Well, on the last day we had an activation exercise.  In the spirit, I received from Jesus a beautiful carved wood box with some jewels around it.  I opened it up. There was a large key ring and on it was my first key.  

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