Thursday, September 1, 2022

Remain in Balance


Peace flows over me

A river of calm

Washing away my anxiety

Replacing that with tranquility


Emotions that would typically rage

Have become quite

My soul soothed

I can enter into stillness


“Stay here in My rest,” I hear

Deep within my consciousness

“Be who you are created to be

Allowing your true self to emerge.”


“Don’t be afraid of who you are.

You are more significant than any label.

Allow Me to infuse in you

My Love, My Joy, My Shalom.”


“You are creative and prophetic by nature.

I created this for you.

Open up those flood gates in the desert.

Materialize all that I have given you.”


“Seek Me first and My kingdom

Then all that I have stated above will be given.

Remain in balance.

You have much to give others.”