Monday, September 5, 2022

We Carry the Frequency of God’s Heart


Step into the River of Life

Sink into its life-giving flow

Release all cares and anxieties

They break off and float away


Laying in the river

Birds and insects chirping and buzzing

Peace fills my being of wellness

I am experiencing wholeness


Wanting to be washed

To be as white as pure snow

But it is the Light in the blood of Jesus

That has thoroughly washed me


Here my heart is given a tune-up

A re-alignment of sorts

Bringing up my frequency

To the frequency of the Father’s heart


Water carries memory

Our heart does as well

Continuing a daily tune-up

The memory of who I am – solidified


I am one with my Father in heaven

I have his DNA of Light

That frequency flows throughout my being

Effecting all within me and around me