Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Downside Up Place

 Traveling in the cosmos

Darkness all around

Yet, there is light flickering

Stars twinkling; a cosmic breeze

Such stillness


A portal opens before me

Colors and a movement inside

It beckons me to come

Music of sorts – or frequency sounds

Ethereal and beautiful


Into a different reality, I go

Through this portal that calls

Faster and faster I travel

Swirling colors past me

I feel like I’m on a circus ride


In the end, I come out into

A dimension that is unlike what I know

An upside-down universe

Mirror-image of the other

Like looking at a tree in perfectly still water


I stop for a bit and think

If I want to be right-side up, I can be

So, I close my eyes and picture it

I feel my body turning and moving

Now, in this place, I’m downside up


With my senses heightened

I sense all the frequencies and vibrations

Smelling fragrances I cannot describe

Still, I hear that sound calling me

It is beckoning me – come closer


Walking on in this downside up place

There are rocks, grass, and trees

Flora and fauna seem similar

Colors appear more vibrant

The creation itself communicates


There is a conversation going on

I hear it in my head

Yes, I understand this communication

It seems to translate immediately

“Welcome; we’re glad you’re here.”


I marvel at this beautiful place

Where all creation can speak and be understood

There is no misconstrued communication

I understand. I feel. I’m ecstatic!

“Stay and Learn,” I hear them say.


Here is the teaching ground

To learn, grow, and experience

Growing into a son of God

As I stay, learn, and mature