Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Engaging the Fire Element


Sit with Fire for a time

What is it you need?

Right now, clarity of mind

Energy and creativeness


Projects are looming before me

Take only one bite at a time

Prioritize and allow a flow

Relax, and it will come


Embers in my soul are lit

Burning off of dross

Old mindsets and habits

Make ready to build anew


Fire, something is calming about you

Yet, destructive power is there

You are used to preparing fields before planting

Giving the land ashes to make it fertile


You give us warmth on cool nights

Roasting marshmallows and hotdogs

Over a fire, there is a communal activity

Fire brings us together


Light under me a passion for learning

Seeing beyond and into the heavens

Take away the dross so I can see clearly

Place in me creative ideas


Fire, I honor you as God created you

Your purpose has a multi-fold expression

Now, as a son of God, I engage you

Teach me the many facets of who you are