Friday, March 11, 2022

The Seven Spirits of God


I am standing in a doorway

It's dark on the other side

Yet, I sense a call that comes

From that still darkness


Without fear, I step through

The stillness overwhelms my senses

Heavy and yet light

Peacefulness comes from that place


I drink in the stillness

Its sweetness of peace

Breathing Ya in and out

His presence surrounds me


Now colors appear – swirling

Circular motion weaving around

Red, Blue, Yellow, Orange, then

Green, Violet, and Indigo

They seem to dance in and out of me


I reach out to touch the colors

They engage me

Wrap themselves in me

I begin to recognize who I am


My purpose

My mandate

My empowerment

My authority

Its preparation for my sonship


Teaching me in depth

Who I am becoming

Responsibilities to explore

To begin to walk fully


I stand now as a son

A co-heir with Jesus

I am now living

In heaven and earth


My Father loves me

Beyond what I can imagine

He has given me keys

To his Kingdom


Unlocking mysteries

To release to all who seek

The call is here

Arise sons of God

Come up here


Release My love and mercy

To all the earth

My restoration is in its

Beginning stage


Continuing your learning from

My 7–spirits

They will help throughout this age

Stand in your sonship and your humanity


My call continues

To go out to all