Thursday, March 10, 2022

The Test

A storm rages around me

A fire so wild

Comes to surround


Watching the flames

Licking their way along the path

Consuming what it can


I hear laughter in the flames

Maniacal laughter

Stirring up the flames


I see no smoke

Just the flames

I walk toward the flames


There within the flames

I see a spirit

Engulfed fully


He senses me and looks

Our eyes meet

I am steadfast not moving

Eyes fully locked


“Do you know who I am?”, I ask

He comes forward menacingly

He reaches out to touch me

But recoils


“You are a daughter of Eve,

A son of the Most High”, he replies.


My gaze penetrates the spirit

I reply

“Yes, you are correct.


What you are doing is not in Father’s heart.

Stop this nonsense and leave.”

The spirit recoils and leaves

The flames – they stop


I turn toward the clouds

That have been forming

Waiting to release

Their burden


It is time to release

Your burden now

Allow it to drench

This smoldering fire


Let it cool and refresh

All that has been affected

Now restoration may come


I turn around

Seeing Jesus standing

Watching what took place

He smiled at me


“You have done well.”

“Was this a test of sorts?” I ask

“Only a small one”, was the reply


You are growing in your maturity

As you continue to stand in Me

Staying in stillness

More can be accomplished


Well done.