Tuesday, May 17, 2022

It is Finished


A clock suspended

Nothing holds it

Ticking, Ticking, Tick

A movement, then click


The hour hand is straight up

The minute hand slowly moves

The second-hand keeps steady

A movement, then click


Father Time stands waiting

Anticipation is in the air

There is a deep joy springing

Welling up everywhere


Creation holding its breath

Deep, deep joy

Welling up from the depths

Ready to explode


Tick, Tick, Tick

Father Time watches

Slowly raising his staff

High above his head


Angelic and other Beings

Seemingly hold their breath

Watching Father Time

As his staff pounds the expanse


Bang, Bang, Bang

A deep resounding frequency flows

Waves of sound explode

Vibrations felt throughout the universe


Father Time turns to Creator

They agree as one

The moment has come and gone


Father Time speaks along with Creator

Words are spoken carefully

“It is Finished. It is done,”