Wednesday, May 18, 2022

The Greater Things


The eagles are flying!

The eagles are flying!

Soaring with ease

Searching out the greater things


Perched upon the tallest tree

On top of a giant mountain

There they can see for miles

Searching for greater things


The warmth of the sun’s rays

Pouring over the mountain

The eagle’s keen eyesight gazes

Over the land, his territory


Spread your wings!

Sons of God, to flight!

Follow the eagle

Greater things are coming


As the eagle soars, so must you

Discerning everything around

What is truly good; what is not

Search deep for greater things


You are here – appointed

This moment in history

To fly; Discover; Mature

Deep are the greater things


Keep moving – Eagles are not stationary

When they see what they need

They alight to the air to obtain it

Diving deep for greater things


Catching the wind

Soaring; allowing the wind to lift them

Created you are for this time

Soar deeply into the mysteries

Of all the greater things