Tuesday, May 24, 2022

I Am at Peace


A portal opens to a forested area

I see a path and walk

It leads me to a river


I stand at the river’s edge

Watching the flow; rapid over rocks

I touch the water – icy cold


Gazing up I see the sun’s brilliance

Closing my eyes, I hear creation

Such a sense of peace is over me


Turning I see a man standing quietly

He looks out over the river

Then looks at me


Our eyes meet; I know this person

Such a familiarity in his eyes

I walk toward him


As I get closer his form changes

A glow radiates outward from him

Light emanating and begins to expand


I pause for a moment – puzzled

Yet, I am drawn to him

A question on my lips – yet knowing


He speaks

I am the deep mystery you seek

You know Me quite well


I flow easily with the river

I hide and become the forest

I fly like the eagle in the sky


Yes, my form changes at will

But I am who I am eternally

Sit with Me awhile


I sit with Him and am at peace

It was His voice that I knew

Soft, gentle, firm, yet true


Jesus drew me here

We sit in silence

Allowing the stillness to be


I am at Peace