Tuesday, June 21, 2022

I must Enter into His Rest and Peace


There are unholy whirlwinds

Surrounding and closing in upon me

I stand tall in my sonship

For nothing can harm me


Standing sheltered within the shadow of God

I am safe from harm in His strength

At peace, I stay in my soul allowing

His shelter to protect me


He has shown me

Within the Cosmic Consciousness, I am Safe

I must enter into His rest and peace

Only then am I able to stand


Life must be expressed from my inner self

So that God’s Love-Life is expressed to others

Here is where I am in the union

Not expressing any other’s life, but only

The Me that is in God


I now must continually surrender

Desires, wants, control

Only then will the whirlwind

Not harm my well-being


“Seek life fully – every moment

Express this moment fully

Failure of the outer things to satisfy

Leads the soul to seek the power within

The individual may discover that – I Am

Knowing within him lies all power to satisfy

The soul, to fulfill its every need and desire.





Excerpt from Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East Vol 1


“This knowledge may no come until the individual is driven by the buffetings of this world to seek this inner plane of peace and calm. When he knows I AM is the fulfillment of his desire, the desire is filled. To look outside the God-self for the fulfillment of his desire is folly. To unfold the self must do the unfolding.


Then what a realization, what an awakening to know the I AM; to know that within is the power, substance, and intelligence from which all forms take form; and to know that the moment a definite and true idea of desire can be intelligently formed; the power, intelligence, and substance of spirit must flow to it and bring it forth. Are these not treasures in heaven that we have not beheld? Here, in the unformed, lie boundless treasures hid within ourselves. How clear this is to the one that has found the pearl. They think, ‘Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness (right-use-ness) and all these things shall be added unto you.’ The reason they are added is that they are made out of the very essence of Spirit. The consciousness must first find, the Spirit before it can form the desired thing.”