Monday, June 13, 2022

Stay As Long As You Like


Walking down an ancient road

Trees surrounding both sides

Create a tunneled canopy

Quietness, yet so much noise


Looking up into the canopied trees

Busy squirrels fit and scurry

Bees and other insects are buzzing

Birds chirping their song


Leaves on the trees are wrestling

Ever so gently in the wind

If you stop and listen

It seems like music


Passing through this nature-made tunnel

It opens up to a great expanse

Mountains, a meadow, a river, and trees

The beauty is magnificent


I hear, “Sit and rest a while.”

A large rock is handy, so I sit

Gazing out onto the beautiful landscape


Pondering as I sit

God’s wonderful creative imagination

Created all of this

The rugged beauty and restful to the eyes


Breathing in the freshness of the air

Sensing a holy presence near

Here I am on holy ground

For the Lord God is here

The stillness and quiet within me

I take in His glory as I breathe

My senses are so awakened

My body fully one with Him


The symphony of sound surrounds me

All of Creation seems to respond

I also hear angelic beings

Added to this song


Oh! I do not wish to leave this place

This holy ground I’m on

For here are Peace and Righteousness

Encompassing all around


Yet again, the Voice I hear.

“Stay as long as you like, my dear.

You are welcome anytime.

To come and sit beside me.

In My fullness with Creation here.”