Wednesday, June 8, 2022

The Earth


Walking along the bank of a river

Smelling the forested area – so fresh

Birds singing, squirrels chirping

I am in my element – Earth


Feeling the depth of ancientness.

As I place my naked feet on the ground

My toes sank into the dirt

I now become one with the Earth


Grounding myself fully

Realigning my body, soul, spirit

Allowing the Earth to speak to me

I am lost within the Earth


Feeling many sensations

The dirt seems like it talks to me

Relaying mysteries of past and present

I commune with the Earth


This ground has many stories.

A history that unfolds in my spirit

Tales of hope, love, and struggles

I learn and am taught by the Earth


I am honored, oh Earth.

This special communing with you

I bless you with all righteousness

As a son, we can now partner


With the blood of Jesus

I pour it upon this land

Redeeming and restoring

This element, the Earth